I used to be attached to my username, it was unique enough to be used everywhere. I used it in the mindset of creating an online presence, so my friends recognize me in other games and such, but then slowly realized it makes you very DOXable and vulnerable in general.
Nowadays I use one username per hobby, except gaming. I want you to be able to find other stuff I created in that specific space, but I don’t want you to find out everything about me.
EDIT: Also, my username was too unique, if you googled it, you would get hundreds of results, and almost all of them were me… Random accounts on sites, forum posts, etc.
While I agree, it is important to note that Valve is a private company. When you don’t have to please shareholders and do absolutely everything to increase revenue, there is possibility for a level-headed leader that keeps the company customer friendly.
But if anything changes (greed takes over or leadership changes), it could still turn.