It’s a compromise I’m willing to make. Valid critique though.
It’s a compromise I’m willing to make. Valid critique though.
Two items I don’t see in anyone other people’s replies:
A dual-wall stainless water bottle like a Hydroflask. It’ll keep water ice cold all day.
Pop Socket, never drop your phone again.
+1 for rechargeable batteries. I love my Panasonic Eneloops!
It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia
The Office
Ted Lasso
+1 for The Old Reader.
It was the perfect replacement for Google Reader. It’s been years since I’ve used it, or RSS in general, though.
“I don’t knoooow, Margo”
In response to the classic National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation line: “And why is the carpet all wet, Todd?”
Exactly. Way longer…