I went through the same path. Gmail came to mind first, then eBay, then a MUD I haven’t actually played in ages but double check that my account is there now and then.
I went through the same path. Gmail came to mind first, then eBay, then a MUD I haven’t actually played in ages but double check that my account is there now and then.
Is it just me, or do programmers only come in “lightweight” and “Rivals Þor in trying to drink the oceans dry” varieties?
Somehow I manage to be both. My alcohol tolerance is very high (which is great… I like a little buzz but never want to be actually drunk), but for me, one toke is over the line.
I’ve been running opensuse for years now. It’s great. Welcome aboard
It Could Happen Here is often talking about what’s going on that week in the world. I wouldn’t try to listen to their whole backlog, but I usually catch an episode or two a week.
Behind the Bastards is great. Since I found it (Summer 2020, I’d reckon), I’ve listened to most of what has come out since.
Cool People who did Cool Stuff is a sort of spin off of btb. Deep dives on people and movements who were resisting the bastards. It’s only been going on a couple of years, so the backlog is more manageable if that’s your thing.
I listen to Past Times on the Dollop feed most weeks. The Dollop is another deep dive history podcast. On Past Times, they read headlines and articles from different newspaper every week. Usually from the late 19th through early 20th century, but they’ve gone as far back as the 1600s.
Anything by Jamie Loftus is great. She’s mostly done short run things on a single topic. She’s on the Bechdel cast, too which I listen to occasionally.
You might enjoy The Deprogram, which has a less daunting backlog.
Before covid lockdown I made my living as a street performer, doing magic shows for crowds of strangers. In that very niche community, “Fat hats!” is a common farewell or replacement for “good luck”. In this case “hat” refers to the donations in the hat rather than the actual hat.
Sounds like they have been.
I spread pesto inside my grilled cheese sandwiches
Hasbro was founded in 1923 and has a history of over a hundred years.
Yep, that’s how years work.
Canadian here.
I said “sorry” (I have no idea why)
I may have a guess for you.
Beau of the fifth column does 3-10 minute videos doing political analysis in what looks like a garage.
He said on a longer FAQ video that he’s set things up to hide his channel’s income from himself. He draws a salary that’s enough to take care of his family, but he doesn’t know how much more the channel earns – he doesn’t want his content to be influenced even unconsciously by which videos The Algorithm say paid better.
I stand corrected. I haven’t used anything other than proton mail in a while and it works there. I thought it was part of the standard
Thankfully, a.ryan@example.com and aryan@example.com should be delivered to the same inbox.
Ya win some, ya learn some.