Cross-platform, I guess. However, the only platform of commercial interest (and that I know of) that offers Vulkan as the primary, supported API is Android.
Cross-platform, I guess. However, the only platform of commercial interest (and that I know of) that offers Vulkan as the primary, supported API is Android.
They’re usually also Biblical literalists, who believe that their infallible God-authored Bible says the Earth is flat (“four corners”, covered in a dome, etc), thus the globe is an attack on Christianity. The worldly institutions are all controlled by the devil, who wants Christians to doubt their Bible and their belief in God.
I would add the 1999 game Warzone 2100 to this list. Much like Earth 2150 you can design your own units and it also has the persistent homebase + mission outposts system. It was open-sourced in 2004 and has received quite a bit of love since then.
Try MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1 firefox
When I see the current version of Edge I’m reminded of those bloatware-packed OEM Windows preinstalls adding useless toolbars to Internet Explorer, except this time it’s a sidebar.
I’m disappointed, and when asked by people I recommend replacing Edge. Preferably with Firefox, but even Chrome is better.
Healing won’t work without copies (RAID) available. However, scrubbing regularly can also allow your drive to detect and correct errors before they become irreparable.
I’m using cards from https://www.digital-devices.eu/; a Cine S2 v6.5 from 2015 and a DuoFlex S2 v4 from 2017 for 4 DVB-S2 tuners total. I’ve found them to be of high quality and the upstream kernel supports them.
Unfortunately, it seems the modular hardware I’m using is no longer sold. The cheapest currently available product is an expensive 8 tuner card.
Stuck in kernel code, possibly because they tripped an assert. Even if not, if your distribution enabled hung task detection, the kernel will log backtraces for these processes eventually; by default, after 2 minutes of being stuck.
Brave Search shadily relicenses the content of others: https://stackdiary.com/brave-selling-copyrighted-data-for-ai-training/
Don’t get into crypto. It’s only useful for scams and money laundering.
It’s still not a game I would even remotely consider, but is it really bad management if it’s insanely profitable?
I’ve tried, but Signal is just too cumbersome to use. I sorely miss a web client and my family members sorely miss an Android tablet client. This makes it hard to recommend.
It’s about adding API to Vulkan for access to the hardware encoding units that you’re complaining about.