I find it difficult to believe that breaking down steel to be 3d printed into large structures for a bridge is faster or more energy efficient than casting the parts instead.
I find it difficult to believe that breaking down steel to be 3d printed into large structures for a bridge is faster or more energy efficient than casting the parts instead.
I started playing through Skyrim again last year, but didn’t get very far before I lost interest.
I jump back in to left4dead every year or two. The original is probably my favorite shooter. I haven’t found Back4Blood as compelling.
Why is half this article about population decline? The writing also seems weird in places. AI generated, maybe?
I played Tetris for the first time on my friend’s Gameboy back in the 90’s. I didn’t get addicted at the time and I’m still not, but I do play Tetris 99 on my switch occasionally.
Overall, it’s an amazing game. It can be learned in minutes but takes years to master.
That’s not the point though. The point is that the human comedian and the AI both benefit from consuming creative works covered by copyright.
I just picked up Again the Storm a few days ago and have been enjoying that. I like that the settlement building isn’t drawn out like other strategy games, and I don’t really feel bad about it when I lose since I can still earn perks and bonuses that persist throughout the campaign.
GOTY for me is definitely Balder’s Gate 3. Enjoyed it start to finish, and there was enough content that my second playthrough didn’t feel like a rehash of the first.
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I wouldn’t consider the Tesla model Y a high end premium vehicle. It was the best selling vehicle in the world earlier this year, in spite of the higher price than gas-powered competitors:
Exactly. I use 10 at home and at work and have no issues with either. There’s no technical reason for anyone to upgrade.
Sierra entertainment! I was a big fan of the kings quest games, and Sierra online was my first experience with online gaming.
Why are they worse?
Every significant organisation, government, big company probably had done something terrible at some point.
Yup, which is why it’s basically impossible to be an ethical consumer these days. “The Good Place” did a really entertaining exploration of this idea.
While this is an interesting read, this doesn’t appear to be the case:
Every .io domain you buy funds a government committing crimes against humanity.
The .io TLD wikipedia article claims that it has always been operated by private entities and no revenue is shared with the United Kingdom
How long until YT is totally paywalled?
Probably never. I doubt they could offset ad revenue with subscription fees.
I installed Persona 5 Royale yesterday and Sun about two hours into it. I’m not finding the gameplay or the story interesting, and the amount of time spent in cutscenes is wearing me down. Does it get better? Or is this game just not for me?
I think using mods disables achievements for cyberpunk, so that could bias the numbers. I don’t know how many people are actually using mods though.
man -k xyz
will search for any man page with xyz
in it. You can also do man stdio
to see what’s in the stdio library.
I was curious about their office in France and found the Google listing is full of tech support questions.
Wasn’t that the whole point of the creation of Alphabet? That they’d have different business units with their own products?
I use Ubuntu at work. No issues with it.