Thank you for reminding me of this scene, that was played out so well!
Thank you for reminding me of this scene, that was played out so well!
I had epic game store before they started blasting free games for unreal tournament. That was a fun alpha and was excited to see what it was going to evolve into. Guess not now lol
So glad the Dev was able to get this up and running as fast as they did, immediately paid for the upgrade.
Jerboa is a great choice as well, was using that for a bit
Currently Final Fantasy XV, honestly I want to like this game but it feels like such a chore to play and it’s really disheartening.
It has the spirit but honestly I am about to turn off the voices because they talk WAY too much and WAY too repetitively.
Also the side quests are way too unbalanced and the distance and time to take to go back and forth.
The day/night cycle is a bit intrusive though and it goes way too quickly imo.
The Chocobo riding is adorable and I love seeing “Con KWEH tulations!” as it makes me want to keep going.
It’s my fourth time trying to play the game and I’m further than I was at Chapter 4, but I need something soon to keep me going.
The chocobo’s may be the saving grace haha
The same thing was said about Microsoft when they released the Xbox as well when it was first announced
This is it right here, unrealistic pc expectations. The reviews also warn potential buyers unless you have a high end device avoid the game.
I’m looking forward to doing this on my 4, Windows is chugging hard lately