Yep redpills comments are tiring
Yep redpills comments are tiring
I think that wanting equality over men/women % of MC is not something you would want to focus on I would rather have a quality story and universe whatever of the gender of the MC.
( I will clarify my point , I am an human therefore I am for gender equality obviously but I don’t think that this metric is the most interesting )
I discovered this universe with the remake and oh boy that was fantastic especially for silent hills 2 . the expression lightning in a bottle describe it really well.
Because when they acquired blizzard and Bethesda , those two where down as fuck in therm of quality , so peoples could have hoped that it would be beneficial for their future games. Turn out it wasn’t the case. Microsoft is exactly like ea.
Serious question from someone who is in this situation: What the best os for someone who want to switch from window 10 to Linux because of the eol? Is it really mint ?
If its not in the hand of megacorps that implies that it s “lightweight”
Ai could have a lot of benefits. Just not in the hands of megacorps
I feel you so fucking much.
There is a difference with valve ,that’s that the company is private.
I love video games too that was my main hobby for years and that’s what sculpted my culture. Video games are awesome I think that its enough in it self you don’t need to like other things , for the friends I actually don’t know how to have one since I know mine since middle school. Hope you find them cause strong friends can stop your depressed mind.
I really hope, ^ ^ thx to have taken the time to answer me.
Well the thing is that my friends are also like me so they don’t want to go out , we prefer to do our hobbies together (he live 500m from my house )so yeah , there is no trigger to actually go meet other people. the irony is that we would love to meet peoples. Also when I said that I had lot of hobbies that’s because when you start making things you just can’t stop accumulating new way to do them , I explain I m a steel worker so I love make thing with steel, my friend is an engineer so we are complementary but we also love 3d print woodworking and do thing with light and electrical components. We also have have built a hobbies workshop. I think time is also my problem. Love anime too even if I’m a casu on this. :)
In fact I have like two REAL friends (very close since forever ) who have the same hobbies than me. I m very creative ( I have adhd ) and focused on my hobbies , I have way to much of them so it took all my time, I’m with my friends all the time(IRL or on vocal). But yeah would also love to meet peoples, if they are a little nerd.
Well the thing is that I don’t like alcohol and I don’t like the idea of being drunk
I m so fucking shy and introverted. And so I prefer introverted people ,so, that’s difficult to find.
Sawako is an a romance anime about a cute shy introverted girl.
Your wallpaper look a lot like sawako , so cute ❤️