Same boat here. I bought mine back when Elon was just “juvenile weirdo who makes dick jokes and smoked weed with Joe Rogan”. Best car I’ve ever owned hands down, no intention to buy anything Elon is selling ever again.
Same boat here. I bought mine back when Elon was just “juvenile weirdo who makes dick jokes and smoked weed with Joe Rogan”. Best car I’ve ever owned hands down, no intention to buy anything Elon is selling ever again.
idk what mobile OS you have but on iOS you can actually long press text in an image and it’ll OCR it into an actual text element you can copy/paste, like so:
I would imagine Android would have something similar but idk
This is basically what I’ve been telling people for years. Prototype in Python to get the concepts down, then when you’re serious about the project, write it in a serious language.
Sounds like reddit. They started banning blocks of VPN IPs after they locked down their API (presumably to prevent screen scraping). If you really want to visit, proton stealth protocol is able to get through sometimes, and old.reddit seems to get through all of the time.
Why the fuck would anyone want to be the Microsoft of anything?
My father had a Brother laser printer.
So it was an Uncle laser printer?
(I’m sorry I’ll see myself out)
Same. It’s not even a sexual thing, I just have a shy bladder and physically cannot make myself go if I can feel someone else’s presence nearby, even if it’s not a stranger.