I now have a whole folder full of “on-hold until further notice” fediverse apps. I really want to find a use for Mastodon, Pixelfed and Element. I guess I never really used X (lol), and Instagram and Discord I use for very specific things, which currently don’t seem to translate for me to the fediverse. Also recently downloaded Quasseldroid because I wanna get back to using irc for some high-seas adventures (though I only briefly used that back in the ICQ days to chat with friends).
Back to jerboa for me. Even though people seem to overlook it, it seems to work pretty well, and every single app I try just leads me back to it. I am also getting faster loading thumbnails and images on it than sync. Sync does feel smooth with its high refresh rate, but in my limited time with it, that seems to be the only plus it has over jerboa (edit: for the way I like using it; list or compact mode).
Probably closer to 2000 forgotten. But I collected them all goddammit!
This is kind of my biggest fear with all these digital games platforms. I have over 2100 games over most of the platforms, it just became so easy to finally be able to get all the games I grew up salivating over. What’s to stop Valve or GOG suddenly “having” to make similar, or competely new changes of unbeknownst fuckery due to pressure from the spooky all-knowing investors?
Okay Einstein…
Having an early morning swim in the sea every morning for the next few weeks.
According to Camus “the struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man’s heart.” So he thinks Sissy was pretty happy. I want to know if you asked Monty Hall to ask Sisyphus, would he be able to tell him the truth about his emotional state?
Sleep brusher!
The dry-herb vaping communities haven’t really transitioned very well, and I’m too lazy to get back into proper community building and moderation after having all my accounts permabanned on reddit. For now I am just sticking to the 420vapezone discord.
I wonder if the sex slaves in heaven have souls? Also do they live as virgins until they are of an appropriate age for you? Are they some sort of magical angel clone? Or clones of humans who have lived before, or are still alive? Or are they bred for that task? Do they just appear when you’re horny? The logistics of god’s brothel is quite funny to think about. I guess they’re some magical hand-wavy entities of some sort. I mean, the same could also be said for god’s park areas. Who does the gardening? Maybe god does all of it. So those 72 virgins are god in a skin suit. Very theological.
I cannot read that and feel how short-sighted it is. The death of online communities due to money sucks. But how about the actual death of physical people and their physical communities due to literally the exact same thing? It seems douchey to complain about capitalism killing message boards and not connect the idea at all to how it has been killing everything on earth since humans became a thing.
Tried Sync, Liftoff, Connect and Lemmotif (I think that’s all the free ones on the playstore as of August '23), and I am always preferring Jerboa.