Sorry, it’s not sovereign CA territory. The use of the land was granted in perpetuity to CA, the land remains French.
Sorry, it’s not sovereign CA territory. The use of the land was granted in perpetuity to CA, the land remains French.
I loved the idea of navidrome and also briefly ran an instance, and like you use plexamp heavily. I stopped using Navi because one day it broke, and I found the plexamp experience just better.
Maybe it’s time to try again.
Jellyfin is actually open source and free. Totally self hosted. Emby is closed source and has a licensing model similar to Plex’s.
Yeah I keep discord in one so that it can’t hook my GPU and audio devices.
I’m sorry. I agree with you that your take is valid. I once had to explain to the assistant to the CFO why it was a bad idea to whitelist a gambling website (“they’re doing a fun play for the world Cup that uses points instead of real money’”) for the team handling customer card payments…and even then she still wanted it done until I told her she had to officially sign a release accepting responsibility for negative outcomes.
My untreated ADHD was a huge asset when I worked customer support for an airline. I had tons of customer complements and I was hailed as an example by area management on how to balance corporate costs with getting customers what they want.
I utterly failed managing a team of 15 people doing the exact same job. The multiple competing priorities on any given day often left me in task paralysis.
Now I work in I.T. and my ADHD is an asset again. I complete most days work in 3-5 hours and play video games the rest of the time.
Yes, I have the where-does-this-thing-go drawer, for food prep items that don’t fit elsewhere, and also the junk drawer which includes things like
So…there you go.
I have to disagree. I support a Multi-Site org where all windows printing goes through cups servers first, we’ve never had a problem connecting any printer. If anything, it makes it easier for us to replace printers as we can keep the same print queue and send it to the physical replacement printer without the windows devices needing to do anything.
EA fucked us out of a TitanFall 3. And a 3rd Alice from American McGee
Wow this sure is overstated. The biggest actual risk here is ISPs doing deep inspection and getting data from private trackers.
Not nothing, but the ‘RCE’ they are claiming relies on an edge case and a lot of manual work on the part of a potential attacker who would also need to be able to intercept your traffic on the off chance you run qbit on windows and use qbit to install python.
This, to me, is a big nothing burger.
There is slightly more openness to androids layers than the win32 layers as well.
I still remember symlinking to binaries in my windows system folder back in the late 90s to be able to run office 95 under Linux. (The MSFT system files permitted some things to work properly that just didn’t with the wine provided libraries back then)
Isn’t that already a case for the police or FBI or something?
Offering visitors a nes or SNES classic - which are recent, official, Nintendo products would be less embarrassing than using a windows PC.
I do exactly this, and use Keepass2Android on my phone and have nextcloud-KeeWeb installed.
Tangentally related - For anyone looking to take over a project, KeeWeb is looking for a new maintainer!
What’s so insane about it? Web browsers are an evolution of the old gopher protocol. All this stuff has roots in text consoles.
You can use version numbers, but it’s on you to change them when new point releases drop.
I guess it’s a good thing the Debian releases all have version numbers then.
It’s good for bragging rights, but a u2955 Celeron Chromebook is better value for money.
I duct taped a RPi4 to the back of a Motorola Lapdock and used custom cables to make the combo into the worst laptop ever.
If yours counts, mine does too.
This is what the Lapdock looks like:
I regularly fire up my windows XP box to play hearts and muck about in Codewarrior