Became a recluse And bought a computer Set it up in the home Elusive big one On the screen Saw the Holy Ghost, I swear On the screen
Where’s the cursor? Where’s the eraser? Where’s the cursor? Where’s the eraser? G-O-H-O-H-O-9-O G-O-H-O-H-O-9-O G-O-H-O-H-O-9-O H-O-9-O-G-O-H-O
What’s a computer? Eat y’self fitter What’s a computer? Eat y’self fitter
I swear, Mark E. Smith was sometimes decades ahead of his time.
Borderlands Borderlands 2
Then if you’re still interested, Borderlands Pre-sequel
And if you find yourself really into the series, Borderlands 3