it’s all just curling some jsons and slapping some paint and shit on top of that.
it’s all just curling some jsons and slapping some paint and shit on top of that.
then at first day of work:
just use sudo su, we don’t have all day here.
Mr. Kernighan explains it nicely I think.
if you pay for a thing it’s pretty hard to avoid giving a cut to amazon these days.
cat pipeing is safer though.
foobar > file and your file is gone.
TDK’s revenue has been increasing steadily at least starting from 2010. When was the last time you bought a TDK product?
WSL2 and windows terminal are ok. I switched to Linux in my previous job back when WSL1 or VMs were the the available choices for doing Linux stuff, but later when people asked if I’d recommend using Linux for their work computer there I’d just say no. IME Linux and Windows were pretty 50/50 on how often things broke down, e.g. updates breaking the shitty fucking VPN app, but with windows you had IT solving that shit for you, with Linux you had to rely on yourself and other Linux desktop users in the company.
I had the intention of reinstalling my windows because it was like from back when win10 was new and the winsxs folder was so big that a 100GB partition was not enough for just windows with all the 3rd party programs installed on another partition… but I noticed that all my games run on Linux so I ended up wiping the 100GB nvme windows partition and moving my dual boot Linux there. I’ve been without windows for a couple of months now and I haven’t really missed it.
It’s still Daggerfall under the hood right?
This person will never wear Adidas shoes.
That’s not ISO-8601 / RFC 3339.
I thought those were lines.
You can definitely hammer a screw, but why would you?
Minumum specs lists GTX 970. M1’s GPU seems to be about half as powerful, so it’s probably not going to be very smooth.
I was amazed by the intelligence of an LLM, when I asked how many times do you need to flip a coin to be sure it has both heads and tails. Answer: 2. If the first toss is e.g. heads, then the 2nd will be tails.
Yeah I went from 1 32" 1440p and two 1080p side monitors to just a single 4k 43" and I’m saying that the time of multi monitor setups has come to an end.
…but it would be the same time in different locations? E.g. at the time I’m writing this it’s 660DFD56 in New York, London, Moscow, Tokyo, Moon, Mars, Andromeda etc.
I thought gambling addicts were broke?