Apparently he actually died in his car 2 days after a fruitless police raid, allegedly of “heart attack”.
Apparently he actually died in his car 2 days after a fruitless police raid, allegedly of “heart attack”.
Compared to Japan, I mean yeah. Living in Japan & South Korea is absolutely hell, they’re probably some of the most conservative governments/societies in the world, certainly the most conservative in the first world.
Russia has pretty high gun ownership… comparable to Europe/Australia and not far from Canada. The US has like 4x the guns per capita as the next highest countries, and it’s far from the most free.
I don’t think 15:1 is needed, I think 10:1 or even 5:1 would be fine. The limiting factor then is just ammo
massive correlation with being trans, and being super adhd/asd/french/some other mental disorder (having one disorder means you have a strong possibility of having others, they’re all extremely tied into each other, including gender dysphoria) which are things that cause you to be significantly more likely to spend a majority of your time on the internet and on obscure/nerdy/highly derived forums for various complicated and straightforward reasons.
being a social outcast also may push people towards corners of the internet, and trans people are often social outcasts even if they don’t have some other disability causing them to be (especially those from more rural/more conservative or religious areas)
“Hello, losers”
damn guess every speaker of multiple english dialects sound like idiots
generally furries are really good creatives in a wide variety of differnent areas
Please PLEASE fix the inventory mechanics/design