Although I agree with you I feel this is a truly unpopular opinion. No one gate keeps quite like a European.
Although I agree with you I feel this is a truly unpopular opinion. No one gate keeps quite like a European.
I guess I’m saying folks who are interested in a console handheld are probably not also looking at the deck since it is literally a computer. I don’t disagree on the lack of first party and exclusives. I think they can make a great device, it’s just gonna have a huge lack of content much like the psvr2.
That being said I think there’s a chance they go the route of psvr2 and somehow make the handheld compatible with steam so they don’t have to curate a library given the high cost of game development these days.
This wouldn’t be a steam deck competitor. At least less directly than it is a switch competitor. And Sony tends to do hardware well, they just don’t have the best pricing track record as of late.
A counter point is should those folks see the dead person’s vile behavior normalized? Are people smart enough to differentiate?
I’ve gotta disagree on BotW. I love Zelda games and the mechanics of that game were an amazing shift in the franchise. But that open world was so boring. The same like 4-5 enemies, even the harder variants didn’t have different movesets. TotK was even worse with the depths and a majority of sky islands being empty and devoid of content.
But the e gameplay is so fun it’s a lot easier to forgive them than say AC Odyssey.
Ohhh, this movie is magical. I love it so much!
I’m thinking like the dead space remake. Extra gory!
How about a dark gritty reboot of LttP?
There ya go Linux user. I’m perfectly happy with my computer and the fact I can afford it without a problem.
That is so not the experience of most of us who just don’t give a fuck about what OS other people use. I love my Mac but I have no desire to talk about my OS like it’s a hobby any more than I talk about the kind of car I drive.
I had to block linuxmemes because it was so spammy. I’m about to do the same to Linuxsucks as well.
But for the record Linux users are the CrossFit/vegans of the tech world. We all know you love your OS and none of us care.
“Mostly the same games” except for all the Nintendo IP. Most folks aren’t pirating games I’d imagine so they’re aren’t really the same libraries for the vast majority of consumers.
You’re just misstating your opinion. “This thing other people seem to find super interesting that also happen to be in a lot of other circles I happen to travel in does not interest me. I wish there was a place I could experience just the aspects of tech and such without having to be exposed to gaming.”
See how that doesn’t demonize other people for having an interest in something you don’t?
Ps5 pro, just got released. But it’s entirely too expensive for what its offering over base ps5, doesn’t have a disc reader, and while I love my base model there really aren’t that many games taking advantage of it so having to pay more for remastered last gen games doesn’t feel like a good value for most folks I’d imagine.
Oh hi universalmonk or verdantbanana !
They are nerds who care about other things than their operating system. That’s like wondering why they also don’t build their own networks down there and self host everything. Those are particular hobbies that don’t interest the vast majority of people, nerd or otherwise.
This isn’t true. I’m constantly getting recommended all kinds of crazy right wing video nonsense and I have never clicked on a single one nor has the only other person in my house. They are picking up on something else or just pushing those videos in general.
Most people equate stem with comp sci and forget that’s just the newest addition to the group although arguably the lowest barrier to entry with some of the highest top ends.
We are the only ones who put people into boxes……lol. I don’t think so. We also look at heritage in a specific at because we’re a country of immigrants with so many different backgrounds. So many of us search for history and belonging that we see in every other country.