I liked (and still like) nearly all these mechanics 🤷
The only thing I modded out is the to hit chance, but I’ll leave it untouched in my next playthrough.
I liked (and still like) nearly all these mechanics 🤷
The only thing I modded out is the to hit chance, but I’ll leave it untouched in my next playthrough.
I liked (and still like) nearly all these mechanics 🤷
The only thing I modded out is the to hit chance, but I’ll leave it untouched in my next playthrough.
Other than the roll to hit mechanic (which would be pretty cool if paired with parry and dodge animations), which mechanics were “absolute shit”?
Because it makes reinstalls really easy. You can just nuke your OS but everything else remains there safely.
Yes. I also wash my nice boxers, my nice t-shirts, and dry clean my suits.
excessive spice
Why? I could just say that “wow, my friend gave me some spicy peppers because I like spicy food, but this is way overkill. I’ll have to go get takeaway.”
Not tasting food before eating it is not a crime.
He could even justify it to the fans as a collab with a well-known author, who would do the bulk of writing with Martin as a supervisor/big picture guy. Like if Jordan had spoken with Sanderson to finish WoT before he died.
DF is not bad >:(
Because it checks if the version starts with the string “Windows 9*”, not wether the number is less than 9.
It’s the kind of thing that the more you think about it the more flaws you find. The stories from the different factions also feel very disconnected, like Skyrim’s. Everything seems to exist in a vacuum).
But don’t take me for my word, if you already have it play the game and see if you enjoy it, that’s what’s important.
The problem with starfield is not technical but that the writing is pretty crappy in general. Technical or feature problems can be fixed (cyberpunk or no man’s sky did it) but the story can’t be extensively rewritten without making it a different game.
gave order and safety to the poor.
Didn’t he end poverty by inviting all poor people to eat and then burning the place down with them inside?
I didn’t know this. Which games did it?
Hmm, I wonder if they’d put my hands so they could hold like beers or a shelf… I think I’d be a nice conversation piece.
Hansi seems nice enough at least.
(please don’t turn out to be a dick)
Often rent covers the owner’s mortgage plus their benefit, so yes, it’s easy for your mortgage to be cheaper than rent.
This may be dumb, but if you can run a switch emulator maybe you can play the switch versions? It’d work like a compatibility layer.
Of course.
A bicycle is a vehicle too. What’s wrong with biking?
The Simpsons: hit & run, Shinobido, GoW, Destroy all humans.
I spent a ton of time playing the two towers, bit I don’t know if it has aged well.
Also, war of the monsters was campy and fun.