Skara brae. 3150 bc
Skara brae. 3150 bc
How’s bones? To shreds you say
quel arrondissement?
Which dishwasher did you get?
One of the incest states.
Anáil nathrach orth bhais betha, do cheol déanta.
American? Also your username tracks.
And charge you for it
Hahaha. Yeah. That means basically fuck off, get fucked.
My parents used these hahhaa. And the classic for when you’ve had enough of someone “go get in the sea”
Fascinating. I’ve only seen this in Mexico and some other under developed places.
First thought of mine.
We moved to California from across the pond and love it. Socal weather can’t be beat. Great food, great outdoor exercise and playtime options. The people are nice. Yeah theres issues but all told we really like it. I don’t get the hate from other states and seems to be simply sour grapes
Where were you raised? What state/area?
And election day