Uhhh… 🔔
This whole post is just yikes
Hey mom look I’m in a Lemmy post
You can use DuckDuckGo for app tracking protection.
Can you provide a source on that? DDG has shown zero tracking attempts from Thunder.
Best of redditor updates was my favorite of these, even if most of them were probably made up.
Perfect, thank you!
Where? I updated and don’t see it.
Is there an option to hide text in collapsed comments?
Why am I seeing ads on Lemmy???
Edit: Looks like it’s the app itself. I’ll gladly make a one time purchase to remove them if that’s an option, but another subscription is a no go for me.
Non-tech career but have always been a tech enthusiast.
Fructose is typically fine when it’s paired with equal amounts of glucose, like in fruit. Your body has a really hard time processing high concentrations of fructose alone, which is how most sugary food is produced now a days since high fructose is a much cheaper method of sweetening food than a balanced mix of sugars.
Got into making games as a hobby a few years back and it basically made it impossible to play games like I used to. Took a while to separate those parts of my brain.
Scientists use climate proxy records like coral skeletons, tree rings, glacial ice cores, and sediment layers. For example, the levels of oxygen 16 in a layer of ocean debris and fossils go up as temperatures rise. So a high level of oxygen 16 in sediment from one layer tells scientists that the planet was hot and watery when the sediment was laid down.
Ah yes the full nuclear (nutclear) approach
Because you’re online way too much