Gonna have to start fantasy book series just like Netflix these days. Not gonna start until the book/series has an ending!
Gonna have to start fantasy book series just like Netflix these days. Not gonna start until the book/series has an ending!
Nah not really. It’s well thought out and all that but it just seems kind of “clinical” to me. I like a lot of grit (cormac McCarthy is my favorite author), so I lean more towards Abercrombie or mark lawrence.
Steven Erikson is another I wish I could get into but I find myself rereading the same stuff over and over until ultimately giving up.
It’s a shame I don’t find Sanderson books all that interesting because that guy puts out books like a Gatling gun.
Oh wow I forgot about that series. It’s been like a decade lol. I didn’t even realize the third never released. What’s with these good writers not finishing their projects
Tastes the exact same as regular Pepsi if I remember correctly
Made me think of the multi grain Cheerios that sound like they are supposed to be healthy but straight up taste sweet like honey nut
How about things that never were but have always existed? Been waiting my entire adult life (I’m 42) for GRRM to finish Game of Thrones. My kid was 2 when the last book came out and now he’s driving lol
Never heard of Pepsi Blue but I remember Crystal Pepsi
How can you diss cheerios like that
Even just the article was making me feel strange emotions
Ah maybe I blocked them a long time ago because I haven’t seen it. What’s not to like about Linux?? I don’t even use Linux but I find the memes and posts funny.
Never seen anyone complaining about Linux on here or on Reddit
Most my friends are republicans so we shit talk a lot back and forth. After the election we will just shit talk about something else. Yes we are over 40 and still act like teenagers.
My main concern right now is that my two oldest kids are asking me why I’m voting for Harris lol.
Sounds like your music is pretty gay. Add some masculinity with It’s Raining Men or just jamming to some Village People.
Just wanna point out that at least in the 90s and early 2000s people would call everything they disagreed with gay, and it didn’t have anything to do with sexual preference.
My brother’s gay and still calls stuff he disagrees with gay. Used to do it myself all the time but stopped quite a long time ago.
It was much more fun for me than the originals. Back then it was just about seeing how clear I could render the boobs on my voodoo 3Dfx. Teenager things
I remember that game with the purple box. When I was 13 I worked in a computer store and remember thinking the box was pretty cool.
I played it finally around 2010 but kind of bounced off since I had no idea what I was doing lol. I can see why it still has a following like HOMM
It’s been a while but I remember I was annoyed with something to do with having to find blood. I know that’s really stupid considering it’s a vampire game. Also the top down view i have a hard time with these days since I played so much Diablo 1+2 back in the day
I was really bad. So bad that I only played archery and even got archery class over level 30. My brother always tops the leaderboards and he came over one day and showed me how to play. Basically, make sure you’re in third person and we use either the battle axe or executioners axe. I’m now regularly at the top of the boards.
If you ever want to join up with us let me know. We do the 40 man mixed
Ah man you’re my age. Check out UFO 50. Second best ~$20 ($25) I’ve spent
I actually just had to send someone a passport recently and had the 12p or the 3p (15h) options. I picked the more expensive 12p and the fucking thing didn’t even show up until 2:38p anyway. Very annoying since it was around $130