Damn shame this comment section turned into an EOS battleground. This game is worth a hell of a lot more than that.
Have I ever made it further than tier 4? No. Will I start new playthroughs countless more times in an effort to? Hell yes.
Damn shame this comment section turned into an EOS battleground. This game is worth a hell of a lot more than that.
Have I ever made it further than tier 4? No. Will I start new playthroughs countless more times in an effort to? Hell yes.
Destiny 3: They have said several times over the years that making a Destiny 3 would not make sense, so there were no plans. Only thing that ever mentioned there was work happening on a D3 were leak accounts.
Considering it an overreaction is a bit subjective I suppose, but since what said was they are announcing things at the same rate, save for pre-TFS, all we had were the names of upcoming expansions… I don’t see how I’m contracting myself. Unless you mean the leaks, which should always be taken with a grain of salt if you are to believe them.
I say it is an overreaction because, sure, they had a decade long story, but more than half of that was by the seat of their pants, *constantly * needing to stop moving forward and needling to fix core elements of this game. Curse of Osiris infamously almost killed D2, and without the Go Fast update and Forsaken returning everything people loved from D1… Game would’ve died.
I implore you to look back on Forsaken and see that it was just… Fixing D2. The campaign, while having some incredibly memorable story beats, was just… Not good. A bulk of the campaign consisted of Lost Sector like missions in the world that had you killing most of the Barons, with some bigger set piece missions spriklnkled in there.
All I’m trying to say is the only difference between now and then is that we had expansion names up front. Otherwise, about 6 months out, we would get our reveal, and them more info from there as we got closer. If anything, they are talking about Frontiers ahead of schedule. Usually wouldn’t expect anything until like… November/December.
They are in damage control mode, trying to push update son content faster, but with less staff to do it. I imagine it’s hell in Bungie HQ for the devs. Fuck their leadership though.
I feel as if the “lack of clear path forward” is a bit over an overreaction from the community.
They dropped Lightfall, and people feel burned, saying they’ll stop playing after Final Shape because Bungie never learns. Add the 2 layoffs into the pot, and the player hemorrhage isn’t about the path forward. This is just the first time the players haven’t known the 3 year plan in a long time.
Bungie is still announcing plans at the same rate they used to, the only difference from pre-TFS is they gave the community the names of 3 expansions ahead of time back then.Now all we have are leaks from some twitter accounts and the title of the next year of content.
AFAIK, they are talking about what “Codename Frontiers” is either today or tomorrow. So yeah, no future plans is not really the issue. They have been saying for a long time there will be more D2. The reason people haven’t wanted to play is everything else surrounding the the game (Bungie layoffs, etc).
Source: 3500+ hours of D2, and the ability to read and retain information. A seemingly rare trait in the D2 community.
Yeah, but Hopoo also isn’t working on the RoR franchise anymore. I’m a Borderlands fan, and this is Gearbox slop.
Right now. Mostly just cause my brain felt like flying off the rails. Can’t afford my meds right now, and yet we need $25k for our wedding still in 4 months, and we can’t seem to dig ourselves out of the financial hole I dug us into after leaving my last job for my mental health and be incomeless for 3 months. Fun stuff for sure.
That’s right, I have heard of some of these cases, but thank you very much for the info! I definitely didn’t want Sony to have any ground to stand on here, so happy that Valve is able to step up to protect consumers however they can.
That’s why I said I wasn’t sure and that I was asking for clarification?
Short answer: Yes.
Longer answer: The access hadn’t been removed yet, as the update that would enable account linking wasn’t pushed yet. As for the Steam side, I’m pretty sure people who already had the game installed should’ve had access still, although updates and general unsureness definitely could be obstacles. With this tweet, however, the update is no longer coming, and were just waiting for Sony/Valve to lift the selling/installing restrictions in those countries.
Would the publisher not have to request the game not be sold in those countries before Valve restricts the sale of it?
I believe that Valve may be the ones who do it, but just doing it without permission sounds… Illegal and out of their jurisdiction.
I know Valve controls their storefront and can absolutely pull games down, just looking for some clarification on whether this could be true or not.
It’s insane that a company can miss the point by this much…
Just make a good product, do everything you can to avoid fleecing your player base, and they will come. Then you can add microtransactions that people can buy. You gotta earn that shit through merit of a good game.
It definitely has potential. People gotta remember that when they reach for castings like Kevin Hart as Roland; these are professional actors. If they want something a bit different from that person, they can probably achieve it.
I think we’ll be pleasantly surprised, so long as you keep an open mind that it’s not supposed to be a beat for beat recreation of the games.
Witcher 3. Spoilers here, btw.
I will never forget riding my horse up to The Baron’s residence after losing his child and his wife and seeing him hanging from the tree. They do such a good job making his character barely tolerable at first, then make him slowly grow on you after you learn he’s just like you. Scared, confused, and lost. He lashes out because he’s trying to protect his family, but the weight of losing it is the end is too much for him.
Truly, what a masterclass in narrative design, and it’s only a sliver of what that game has to offer.
That was me too! I guessed I had around 2k hours in RL overall, but Destiny 2 has recently just eclipsed 2k hours on just PC. Probably have 2500 in that game total now.
Even then, you need to have 10+ years of workplace experience coming out of school. The standards have been lifted to nearly unattainable heights for things that people with less qualifications would’ve gotten 30 years ago.