Damn, The double whammy of jokes here got me good
Damn, The double whammy of jokes here got me good
Not the first PokeGo reply here, glad to see im not alone in this. Is there a main pokemon community here?
Avid Guild wars 2 player here, I really do miss being on that subreddit. Since reddit was also big, it did allow developers to interact with their players a bit more directly and was a good way to get official info to them.
In this specific case I added browsing the game forums instead of going on reddit, not much has changed except the lessened amount of ads on my screen lol.
Good news! There’s a new update that included a PvE server that you and friends can play on. You’ll be the only players on the server and can play all the PvE content (minus the fort of damned/fortune)
There are a few restrictions, but if you care more about game experience, they shouldn’t affect you too much.