So probably phishing attempt that OP thinks is actually from Windows?
So probably phishing attempt that OP thinks is actually from Windows?
Where are you seeing this? Doesn’t seem like a typical Windows prompt.
Somewhere in the settings you can have it boot to HDMI1 and you can skip that whole stuff.
I’ve had this experience and morning was like, “I’m gonna plan the trip of a lifetime to London and Paris and maybe Rome for a month or more.”
Then in the evening I’m like, “well Vegas is a cheap flight, so if I spend a night in Vegas maybe I can go to Denver too?”
Most businesses do chase the whale customers.
It would make more sense in the opposite order. And yes.
Yes, though it wasn’t a surprising result.
The AI is definitely going with the favorite.
I could probably remove this in my account settings somewhere right? But the point is that it’s a bad feature. It’s not reliably accurate. It makes stuff up.
Depends how easy it is to avoid using. When there are lots of choices it’s easy to switch. Hard to boycott the website that handles half of all retail in the USA.
The Last Jedi in particular sucked balls. TFA was good.
I’d force project myself like a hologram in front of a ton of enemies, get shot at for awhile, but don’t worry I’ll be fine I’m just a force projection. But then it turns out force projecting myself is really hard, so I’ll die anyway about 5 minutes later. That seems peak useless.
You never really know, it’s plausible. But I doubt it. It doesn’t seem any more likely now than it did in 2016.
Ceasefire in Gaza for a minimum of 6 weeks (if I understood the news correctly) is huge. That conflict might be close to over if we’re lucky.
That shitty host is like “WOW GET A LOAD OF THESE FREAKS” the whole time while the freaks are being welcoming and nice.
That’s literally the joke. They start with the wrong opinion then slowly educate you with the correct one.
Former NBA players Jarrett Jack and Chris Duhon are cousins.
The Daily Show had a segment Who Will Juggalos Vote for?.
Wilhelm scream. It’s in everything. It’s memorable in Star Wars and Indiana Jones, but it’s in Soul Plane too.
I’ve watched far too many hours of sitcoms, because I’m recognizing a specific laugh that gets re-used over and over. It’s by far the worst on How I Met Your Mother (where I first noticed it). They’ll repeat the same laugh 2-3 times within the same episode. It’s a specific high-pitched laugh that almost sounds like the person is inhaling while laughing rather than exhaling. HIMYM doesn’t use a live audience so they re-use the same laughs for the entire run of the show.
Reminds me of when my ISP who was “no contract” had a cancellation fee. Like I have to pay money to stop being billed? Something about that feels very backwards.
As a depressed 16 year old boy I received a self help book from my mother. I was offended. Never opened the book. Like in hindsight I guess she thought I needed help and the book would somehow do that, but all I saw was that my mother thought something was wrong with me.
Shows how untrustworthy the big companies are these days. We’re in JD Rockerfeller era Pt. 2.