If there is any way that they could beat red bull and max, I’m all for them joining.
I kinda doubt they stand a chance though 😕
Hopefully losing their designer will actually hurt red bull.
If there is any way that they could beat red bull and max, I’m all for them joining.
I kinda doubt they stand a chance though 😕
Hopefully losing their designer will actually hurt red bull.
But It’s just a corrupt driver dude, I know I can fix it.
Not true, I just insist that they use KDE Plasma.
Sudo apt install sl
The OLED Steam Deck has reinvigorated my love for videogames. I’m playing Dave The Diver and DBZ: Kakarot now.
You guys should try Kali Linux with KDE Plasma. I’m really enjoying it. It’s so easily customizable.
I believe it’s Roku. That purple symbol in the bottom right is on the remote as well.
Very budget so this doesn’t surprise me.
The dumbest part of this whole story is how they pissed away that kids college funds. NEVER pay medical bills with your own cash in full. Set up a low interest payment plan with the hospital. If the amount is under a grand, you just ignore the letters and calls from the collection agency and it will probably go away. I’ve done it. They aren’t going to sue you unless the amount is really high, probably.
Car dealerships.
^ I second this comment. Lead is only bad if you eat it or it somehow gets injected into your body. Wear gloves if you’re worried.