I have Deadlock. But I always felt you don’t get to move far enough each turn.
I have Deadlock. But I always felt you don’t get to move far enough each turn.
I’m fully turn based. I could never get into RTS. StarCraft for example was never fun to me. I don’t know, I just like the slower pace.
If you’re too dumb to understand you’re wrong, smartness does play into it.
Not acceptimg you’re wrong is a whole other personality issue.
It’s trying to gain sympathy by playing a victim. I’m sure there’s a term for it.
Sorry about the double reply, but I watched that video and I can’t agree with doing that kind of training with your cat. It’s impressive, but it’s also treating your cat like a circus clown, in my opinion.
I get your reason for sharing it. I just wanted to express that is not what regular people should try to be doing with their pets. Everyday activities and training with a cat is way way simpler than that clip.
I was thinking of moving my “system32” porn archive into a winamp skin. Teenage me would be very proud
They’re zip files, with the extension renamed. So you could probably have almost anything in one.
Yeah, same. Kinda too bad that whole team didn’t turn the story into an animated series or something.
I played 1, 2, and Kain 2 a couple years ago. The gameplay has not held up at all.
I’m pretty sure the guy that played the octopus god passed away awhile ago, sadly.
You just spend time with them and show them what to do and what not to do. It’s not that hard, as long as you pay attention to them.
“You chose… poorly”
How do you function in life?
Bitchin’ Camaros!
So… You still refuse to back anything up. Classy.
What calculations? Lmao.
You refuse to prove what you’re saying. Show us how every online storefront has different full sale pricing for the same games.
There are no calculations needed. You simple look at the price for the same games on different stores. But you’re somehow unable to do that?
Someday, when you actually interact with people in real life, in person, and don’t rely on your parents for everything you’ll see how stupid your entire “argument” is.
You’ve also never made anything, so you really have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.
Still waiting for the price comparisons
If you’re an idiot, sure
Have you ever made anything in your entire life?
You seriously think $5 is enough to cover dev costs? Payroll? Rent? Are you out of your mind?
Didn’t get that far