Let’s be honest, mostly windows. People massively overstate their hatred of windows.
Let’s be honest, mostly windows. People massively overstate their hatred of windows.
In Gnome: Proper calDav integration in the gnome “online accounts” section. Smaller titlebars. Nothing else please. No dock, dash or whatever, no stupid clutter, just nice and simple like it is currently.
In DWM: Nothing needs to change, use the default setup every day on my laptop.
Vanilla zsh prompt. I had a thing that told me which git branch I was on for a while but my editor tells me that so I decided I didn’t need it
> installs KDE plasma
We have different definitions of minimalist
I’ve used a couple different distros in my time on Linux (Debian, fedora, arch, artix, gentoo) and I could never tell the difference between the performance.
With archinstall being included by default on arch iso’s idk if this is the case anymore. The arch install script also has good defaults
Default gnome has a great keyboard based workflow or the option for a pointer-device based workflow. It doesn’t copy the outdated windows workflow and actually succeeds in pushing its own ideas.