Gears 5 is still a tour de force of how to do a modern game. It’s got cosmetics, customization, an acceptable (but not great) story, decent PvP, and imo the absolute best PvE. Nothing has managed to dethrone horde in 5+ years
Gears 5 is still a tour de force of how to do a modern game. It’s got cosmetics, customization, an acceptable (but not great) story, decent PvP, and imo the absolute best PvE. Nothing has managed to dethrone horde in 5+ years
I’d still say the Gears franchise owns the shooter coop throne. Every game in the series supports at least 2 player, with 3 & judgement being 4 player, and 5 being 3 player. And they go out of their way to make coop different than regular campaigns too; there are several points, usually one in each level, where you have to split up
I wish more people would hold Sam Altman’s feet to the fire, hold him to some semblance of accountability. Because the man has made an entire career of failing upwards, from launching a short lived startup that imploded, to suddenly beginning president of ycombinator, to suddenly being worth billions of dollars, and literally paying people in the third world (with monopoly money, of course) for their eyeballs
Oh and there’s the whole thing where he might have molested his kid sister, which is always seemingly glossed over
Even Ed Zitron, who isn’t afraid to go after someone (see his articles about the guy who destroyed Google search) seems to handle Sam with kid gloves
But now who will donate pretend coats for the virtually needy?!
You’re a moron if you use this.
I’d barely say they died. Doom Eternal is full of platforming, something a lot of reviewers winged about, and there are big undies like little kitty big city that fit the bill nicely, as well as the remake of SpongeBob Battle for bikini bottom
It’s honestly the best of both worlds. A well built and tested hardware platform with well known specs and manufacturer support, that’s capable of running any third party software at the drop of a hat
overwatch style
You mean team fortress style
Apple has done this many times before. Over even more frivolous patents (i.e. a glossy black rectangle)
They made their bed, now they have to lie in it
Halo does it that way too
For me the problem with AW, more than the boring gameplay loop, is the weird episodic format they shoehorned into it. You’d just be getting into the groove of the game, used to the annoying combat and stealth and such, and then it yanks you out of it and you have to watch an end of episode cutscene, and then a new episode cutscene, just to continue on
Control is awesome. I was hoping AW2 would be more like control, but from what we’ve seen in the media that doesn’t seem to be the case. Still holding out hope
Considering skylines is basically the only surviving city sim franchise, not much. But city sims have always had difficulty with performance. Sim city 4 was notorious for how badly it performed in hardware, even to this day
All the people I’ve seen playing it don’t seem to show any specific way to do mixed use, so if it does exist it’s probably just a thing that happens automatically on high density housing units
I can guarantee you that if SA were released today it would be riddled with micro transactions and covered in dlc
Sandbox mode basically wouldn’t exist
From what I’ve seen the road building is far better and basically incorporates all the “retired” mods
I’m sad that zoning is still essentially the same as how SimCity did it in 1989, as I really want mixed use, but that’s a minor quibble
I really hope its good. From the YT videos I’ve seen of people who got it early, it looks great.
But I still have a little bit of hesitation about how the roads continue to work. They’re still mostly “plop a road of X type”, and upgrades you just either connect in, or plop on top of an existing road. Finessing lane changes, i.e. merges or adding a new lane, still looks to be mostly an issue of getting the game to do what you want. If you sat me down and asked me to do a fun game based way of drawing road and other networks, I’d probably go with something loosely similar to how OpenStreetMap represents roads, but with more graphical flair. Roads are just collections of points, in whats called a “way.” You can set attributes on a way, which are things such as lanes, speed, lighting, material, etc. For a game, you could basically draw a line of where you want the road, and then set how many lanes it is, and see that footprint, before you apply it. Also lets you do things like take a 5 lane road and split it up into a big mess, so you can make abominations like the hi-5 in Texas, or even things as simple as diverging diamond or SPUI. Not sure if thats possible in CS2, I haven’t seen any youtubers do it. Getting them working in CS1 was possible, but required a ton of mods.
Maybe I’m overthinking it, and maybe the CS2 approach is better. I’ll have to get my hands on it to try it.
As for zoning, its okay, but I wish we’d really start to see some divorce from what SimCity invented back in 1989, and allow for more granular mixed-use zoning. I want apartment buildings that have light commercial at the ground floor, like you see in basically every major city
Also really hoping that it has proper M+KB on xbox. Starfield doesn’t, and it leaves whole sections of the game essentially broking (i.e. crafting 99 items requires you to press RB a shitload)
Temper your expectations. It’s better than it was at launch, but it’s still fundamentally infinite.
I find it good for a few games, but any more than an hour of play and I just don’t want to play anymore. I’ll switch over to 5 or another game.
Can they build factories to brake too?
Did they perhaps confuse Tesla solar installs with the cars?