It can be very expensive to have the second best hand at the table.
It can be very expensive to have the second best hand at the table.
A raspberry pi 4 can emulate any console up to the N64. I’m still running a pi 3. The 3 can’t do the N64 well. I’m unsure how good the pi 4 is with the graphics of the N64.
I can run basically any game published before 1995. It’s just a matter of finding roms. They used to be easy to get, but Nintendo got angry with websites that were hosting them. So now you have to dig a little more to get them.
Command and conquer.
Super Mario 3
Do you just pack coffee into where the pod goes?
In my mind I’m imagining you filling the pod hole like one would for espresso. Every run, dig some out, but pack more coffee in.
Once you got the blimp it was legit open world.
A lot of things in life are perpetual changing.
Some day the pendulum will swing back to pro intellectual. Once people comprehend the damage the just like me leadership has done.
I didn’t get a degree. I got enough skills to get a job.
Database stuff. I write SQL for a living. Data analyst or report writer would be the generic entry level job titles.
I went back to college at 30. That set me up for a career I actually enjoyed and a wage that was double the dead end job I had at the time.
I spend as much time in one play through the free factorio demo as I’ve played in some AAA games.
In the hours entertained per dollar doesn’t, factorio is stupid cheap.