“Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman. Rise and… shine”.
“Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman. Rise and… shine”.
No LTS, they support each version for 1 year, and there are two major upgrades per year. I still haven’t upgraded last October.
But I never had an issue, I always upgraded using the terminal instead of the GUI.
I’ve been using Fedora for the last 5 years and never had to reinstall the OS. I’ve been upgrading with no issues whatsoever.
With Ubuntu, I had to reinstall everything on every update because of errors. Not on EVERY update of course, but often enough to make me want to stick to LTSs.
And 3D boobs in the 3DS.
Unnecessary writing wears out the SSD in the same way putting on your shoes wears them out.
Tekken used to have more than half of the characters HIDDEN. Now they just sell them one by one.
My recommendation would be God of War (2018). Haven’t played Ragnarok yet, so I can’t talk about that one. You really attach to the characters. Their personalities are well defined, and it presents some father/mother/son dilemmas along the journey. Great OST, too.
I know it’s not known as “emotional,” but it’s the only game I recall that made me cry a little at the end,
I don’t think playing previous GoW games is mandatory. A quick recap is enough.
Gnome user here.