Yikes! Thanks for the tip. I’m just starting to learn about Postgres. Think I’ll stick with MySQL or SQLite for now… :o
Yikes! Thanks for the tip. I’m just starting to learn about Postgres. Think I’ll stick with MySQL or SQLite for now… :o
hides in Kate and a Codium-based IDE
This needs more attention.
Build.io? I’ll have to look into that plugin. Is it a paid one, or does it come with the Figma seats?
…and that, too. Tried to look at it as an existing Jack of All Trades. Get to learn new stuff!
But yeah… I feel like I’m being taken advantage of, sometimes.
Ahh, good ole stack managing.
Was this made with AI?
Wow. I just lost mine. Been through at least 5 so far… Of course I’m working on around 6 projects at any point.
My favourite was when I migrated a website to Plesk, and my boss wondered why it took me 8 hours to migrate a single website…
I’m falling into that myself… It seems my boss is trying to prevent me from being Pidgeon-holed into being just a programmer.
Aka, he is diversifying my portfolio to keep me on board as an employee.
Guess it helps some full-stack’ers if they also have experience in graphics design and copywriting.
I remember an old mentor programmer I had who basically described his job as building an addition to an addition to an addition on a tree house built in a twig.
Oh wow. That takes me back. There used to be a Windows 3.1 program that would attempt to make MIDIs from MP3s. It worked best with soft and quiet songs, not overly loud ones.
If you want a particular song transcribed, it might be best to find someone to help.
Was gonna suggest this theme. I love it in my light daily driver.
Lol. We rarely did get breaks. But we had a slow lull between 2 and 4. Best damn K.P. burgers I’ve ever had. :)
I remember working at a restaurant once that was open on Christmas. We were expected to be working for at least 12 hours, but we had two 30 minute breaks and a 1 hour lunch.
One dude brought in a 6 pack of Red bulls, but he was clearly high AF as well. Not sure on what (we suspected speed or something as he was flying), but he chugged those RBs throughout the shift.
By noon he was in an ambulance on the way to the ER.
If you can find Japanese Makita brand products (I.E., from Japan), they have actual quality.
Oh! This was a good one! I remember reading this on Bash.org. ahh, thanks for the reminder.
Hard poached eggs topped with cheddar cheese.
I also use ketchup as an additive in cabbage rolls, sloppy joes, or chili, barbecue sauce.
Meat loaf, Japanese omelet rice.
This is literally the job description for my last job, verbatim. My brain crashed, was on disability leave, then they removed my post due to redundancy. 🤷♂️