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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • So, I kinda had this problem myself at one point a decade and a half ago, only it was booze and serviio.

    I ended up taking an old tower I had, installing Ubuntu on it with no Xwindows or GUI of any kind, set up ssh, and unplugged the monitor, keyboard, and mouse and accessed the Ubuntu box only from a putty session on my windows box.

    Then, when I wanted to do anything on the Linux box I’d ssh in and command line it. And Google and try again until I got it right.

    I turned it into a domain controller for the windows boxes (well, login server via ldap) and had an irc bouncer and a bot on it, among other things.

    All while still drinking and streaming video.

    I can’t say what the magic bullet will be for anyone else, but I was able to learn by removing my “crutches” until it just… Clicked for me. YMMV but don’t stop trying.

  • You raise some great points though. The average user isn’t going to use workarounds or alternatives, so we should focus on actually solving the problem instead of saying use this instead.

    These kinds of things are the first things that come to mind when people start going all “Linux is ready for $blah” because while I can figure out how to deal with these issues, they’re invariably the first things I get phone calls from my non-IT-career friends about when they switch to Linux.

    Windows changes insane amounts of interface whatnot on the regular, users can usually figure THAT out, finally, no matter what OS they’re using.

    It’s the stuff that just works out of the box on windows or Mac but doesn’t on Linux that’s at issue, and it’s what will continue to halt widespread adoption at the casual user level, unfortunately.

  • The ability to stream media from legit paid sources. (Netflix, Comcast, max, disneyplus, prime, I don’t know where the list is currently, but anything that bitches about user agent.)


    The ability to play multiplayer games that rely on anti-cheat ( seriously, make Linux a hit with the fortnite crowd and the upcoming generation will think of windows as boomerware )

    The ability to use an HDMI cable at full speed. (It’s the leading A/V cable standard and the only one some people understand. )

    Then there’s the stuff I’m unsure of the current status of but that I know was a problem once upon a time: Online banking, online doctor stuff, encrypted emails from mainstream providers, you know, anything that could qualify as “every day stuff” that works out of the box on windows and yet sometimes requires complicated (for grandma) setup on Linux.

  • What in the actual fuck are you on about?

    They genuinely believe some random guy is god incarnate so they tormented him his entire life to try and get him to kill himself,

    Nothing in wicca allows any of that, so far as I’m aware.

    That’s SO far off base with what I understand of the basic tenets of wicca that it’d be like an humanist atheist vegan suddenly signing on to work as a halal butcher and then deciding animals aren’t enough, it’s time to butcher people instead.

  • It is true that the pay segments aren’t required in any way shape or form, unlike some other similar games.

    Yeah, once the yearly event started including the option of either two T6 C-store ships (which will unlock those normally RL-Money-Only ship traits that are so much fun) OR a single T6 Lockbox ship (as long as it’s been out for a year) making those high-end ridiculous min-maxed builds (that aren’t even necessary to play the game’s hardest content) became a very real possibility without spending a dime.

    Add in every event giving bunches of bonus dilithium after you complete it and the fact that they got rid of the bots and you can even trade dilithium for zen in a reasonable amount of time. People were buying the 10th anniversary bundle left and right without spending any money last christmas when it went on sale.

    It takes more planning in advance than just using Attack Pattern: Credit Card, but it’s totally doable.

  • They removed not only the ability to make new user made maps and scenarios but removed all content related to the function saying it would essentially require requiring the game from scratch because no one was left that knew how it worked.

    Yeah, that part sucks. I miss it.

    Many of the missions have been removed over the years, saying they no longer are good enough quality compared to new content, etc.

    I can’t think of a single mission that was removed that I miss. There’s probably one or two, but the few removals there were have been largely beneficial. And the new missions are amazing by comparison.

    Everything is a shadow of what it was.

    I disagree. I started playing when STO went free to play back around when romulans became playable.

    It’s only been in the last 2 years that I started really enjoying the game instead of forcing myself to try because I really wanted star trek SO BAD in an MMO.

    The QoL improvements are good, the events are still fun and the rewards are actually worthwhile.

    There are handfuls of people in the fleets I’m in that are playing completely f2p thanks to reward ships and event/reputation gear and holding their own, doing good damage in group content, so there ARE plenty of microtransaction options, but they’re not required – just super beneficial if you have the cash.

  • Okay, so I hit rotten tomatoes, checked movies that were both critics rotten AND audience rotten, and started perusing titles for stuff I thought rocked.

    abraham lincoln: vampire hunter


    hellboy (how is this in here? I thought this was universally loved)

    mars attacks! (56 and 53, I also feel like this shouldn’t be on the list. It’s too good, and not in a bad way)

    x-men origins: wolverine (again, is this not considered awesome? I thought it was great)

    daredevil/elektra (I enjoyed both movies)

    and now for stuff I’ve watched at least five times:

    the ninth gate

    planet of the apes (2001)


    prince of persia

    green lantern

    van helsing

    I’m dead serious, I was looking forward to MORE green lantern movies along the lines of that first one. I bought it on amazon having heard nothing about it (I was in a societal black hole for a few years there), watched it, loved it, and was like “sweet, when’s the sequel coming out? I wanna see sinestro do his thing…wow, this did not do well. Fuck.”

    I wasn’t super happy with ALL of the writing, but that’s comic stuff in general and I thought the whole thing was still quite enjoyable. Like, multiple rewatches enjoyable. Seeing Hal Jordan on screen and having Ryan Reynolds do it was great.