360 Degrees bottles Cost $3 dollars to make!
“MetaGoneMad” social media devolved into chaos. Selfies got replaced with close-up nostril shots. The “like” button exploded into a “passive-aggressive comment” button. Algorithm recommended enemies, not friends. Hashtags turned into full-blown novels.
360 Degrees bottles Cost $3 dollars to make!
Found one.
$2000 bach. $2700 1bdrm $3200 2bdrm
Removed by mod
This is a bottomless nightmare.
abrahamic religions goal isn’t a happy and healthy life on earth but rather to ascend to heaven. In fact, suffering on earth is a large component to being able to ascend to heaven as far as they are concerned.
Even paid services are selling your data, you are gullible if you think otherwise. Lemmy will eventually sell out just like reddit, give it time.
I once stayed off red meat for 1 year and my health improved tremendously, and then returned to it and my health deteriorated in record time. I’m now back off red meat and feeling better than ever. Maybe at one time red meat was good for you, but the way they raise cattle for profits it would not surprise me they are butchering sick animals as well.
I come across many of them on here, esp. all the nude photos, some users are posting full nudes without any screen to conceal it unless I click to view it, so I block that user and block that community. Same goes for any post that is not in English, the user and community gets blocked as I have no need to see foreign language from that user or community ever again.
Ukraine wont claim their death toll is high, but, every country at war, want to lie and pretend that is not the case, for morals.
Abrahamic religions are death cults, indeed they are inherently harmful.
Only when If I get expensive gifts.
How could people have faith in a non-interfering God who allows terrible events, even to young children? If such a God exists but doesn’t intervene, then there’s no reason to worship it, as its presence holds no significance for humanity. Moreover, it’s likely that if this God is real and unaware of our existence, it’s because we’re inconsequential. This becomes even more plausible if numerous planets similar to Earth with their own life forms exist.
I beg to differ, some are already smarter than humans.
After the reddit filth, I now have 6 accounts on 6 different sites, most are decentralized and none of them are popular, this way if one of them decide to become like reddit filth, I’m all set.
That is because red paint was inexpensive and abundant, than it became tradition.
Summer time 20C (68F)
So, is Google Lens just an ‘reverse image search’? Never used it.
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