Hermeneutics | Dialectics | Stoicism
Espousing personal exegesis over dogmatic orthodoxy
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It isn’t worth it. At least for me at this point. When you are dealing with the ineptitude of the simple-minded masses—which is either bandied at best or they are totally blinded by hatred from vacuuming up disinformation without an iota of effort to fact-check anything—the best hope is face-to-face discourse. But even then you are unlikely to change most peoples’ minds that they have been deluded and taken for a ride—especially the older they are. Which is sad and frankly disturbing. One of the most disgusting things to me is a myopic person who is so intransigent, that they can’t for a moment believe they might be mistaken about something.
From looking at the line I was in voting, it’s no wonder this happened: these simple-minded geriatrics turned out in droves for their dictator.
GOP: Geriatrics for an Orwellian Power
Dude, Windhand’s Forest Clouds is so freaking sick. What a vibe—the album art, the track names, and ofc the sound is so awesome. Man, it feels so hyperbolic, but I honestly haven’t had this feeling listening to music in sooo long.
For sure, I dig some death/black metal stuff a bit, but I’ve always been a nu metal plebian that having this convo on reddit would just have die-hard gatekeepers take a dump on me, tbh. I’ve always hated how gatekeepy metal has always been. Thanks for the recs and interesting genre info! All the genre names are so hilariously awesome xD
I’ve been on a non-stop yt metal rabbit hole after googling some of these bands. Thanks for re-awakening the wide world of metal. It’s strange how you go through different types of music throughout your life.
Leave it to tumblr for a stupendous shower thought, lmao