Did you mean The Outer Worlds or Outer Wilds?
Did you mean The Outer Worlds or Outer Wilds?
Ohhhh after seeing the trailer I bet you any money you’re right. I guess the one nice thing is that area also is good for farming exp. So if you are needing to access it quick it might not be so bad…
I reallllly hope we don’t have to finish the story to jump into the DLC. After an almost 200 hour first playthrough I thought “oh man I want to do this again!” I got a quarter way through NG+ and put the game down and didn’t get around to finishing it.
I loved Elden ring as a concept, I think it was an extremely interesting twist on the formula. However for replayability I feel like it suffered heavily. The vast open world takes a long time to get through (mainly if you’re really trying to beeline directly from point A to B.) And if you need specific items or materials I feel like having to replay the various tombs /mini dungeons would be more chore like than fun.
I only came to this realization after playing demon souls and bloodborne for the first time recently. There’s very little filler a person would need to go through when replaying those older fromsoft titles. I’m so torn though because I really liked exploring in Elden Ring.
Sorry for the novel lol
I fear for Jet Set Radio. Edit: nevermind i guess they are trying to ruin that too
At least we got Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
First Shenmue got all messed up and now this. Nothing is sacred lol. I hope they reassess their head in assery
I feel like it was the past month or two? There’s supposed to be a Nintendo direct soon which might tell us more. Lots of speculation as of now. Only thing that I’ve read is that it won’t have an oled screen
There’s a game on game pass that I recently saw called Ghost Lore that I think claims it’s inspired by Diablo? Might be worth checking out
Crash Bandicoot was also my first game! I was only around 2 years old give or take. I enjoyed the NES and Sega genesis a lot more until I got a bit older as it was easier to get the hang of.
The second game I saw(but did not play) was tomb raider. It made me cry when the wolves jump scare you in the first level lol.
Does this include gamepass downloads? Either way that’s great. I’m glad Atlus has recently brought their games over to PC and xbox
I’m only nervous that Microsoft will stop developing Xbox’s. If we’re eventually forced to move to a digital only system, I want some kind of guarantee that customers can always access the games they paid for. Otherwise I think sharing games with other consoles is a great idea as long as the added development doesn’t eat into the games overall quality
Rouge likes. I just can’t get into them. The only one I was able to sink any kind of time into was Hades. I actually enjoyed it a decent amount, but I find the gameplay loop for roguelikes just wears me out pretty quickly
Old bungie halo titles. CE to reach please. I just want more of that.
Mirrors Edge 1.
Jet set radio future and Bomb rush cyberfunk
Picross 3D
Animal crossing new leaf (new horizons was good, but they just needed to bring all past features forward so that it didn’t feel like a doll house vs a life sim)
If I could get meta for a second, playing games online with my friends back from 2007 to 2014. Those were some rough times, but also some of the best times. We grew up and work schedules and time zones mess everything up. Don’t forget to tell your friends that you care about them, even though we don’t get to talk much anymore I still cherish them a lot
I really want to get into FFXI but with the majority of people at endgame content I’m not sure I would get the same experience anyways?
I tried FFXIV and it felt oddly lonely. There wasn’t enough content that supported group play aside from the dungeons.
I think one day I’ll just have to set aside all other hobbies and gorge myself on both until I finish them/they click for me.
I’m surprised by Amnesia. I thought it felt incredibly dated. The AI pathing/logic was rough.
If it came out in 2012 I would have enjoyed it a ton, but it just felt frustrating with how the AI worked.
Outer wilds is definitely one of my favorites too. I went in blind which was awesome. Completely caught me off guard right after the tutorial. I didn’t expect such intricate mechanics
Well Tears of the Kingdom ate up about 4 months of the year for me. Bomb Rush Cyberfunk was a game I had been waiting 20 years to play. So that was really nice. I just wish there was more of it to be honest haha.
Resident evil 4 remake and Bloodborne were my next favorites.
Sometimes we just don’t like certain genres. I’ve tried dozens of times to get into rogue likes and I cannot get into them. I enjoyed hades decently enough, and I could get to the boss. But the gameplay loop always gets repetitive for me. It’s weird!
I know this wasn’t intentional but the whole phrasing of “created by the devs of rockband” has “Boruto’s Dad” levels of energy lol
Yeah I felt like below zero could have gone without the above land content. It just wasn’t nearly as good as the rest of what they had made. I really missed having the submarine thing too
That’s pretty cool, thanks for sharing. I love learning about sub genres