Don’t be afraid to add extra APs or switches if necessary
Don’t be afraid to add extra APs or switches if necessary
Use Ethernet it’ll connect no matter what wireless security you have enabled
Most routers include backwards compatibility with WPA2 as a fallback, while newer devices will use WPA3. Should be relatively seamless
What’s this from?
From what I’ve heard it’s impossible to go from one lossy format to another without losing quality.
Finally, some recognition. I hate when I hit someone with an epic sick burn and they just pretend it didn’t absolutely shatter their perception of themselves and the world around them
No but yours does haha gottem
When you’re deepthroating the boot, do you prefer the taste, or is it the texture you enjoy? Genuinely curious
Way too little too late. Credit where it’s due, great to have it rescheduled. But it should’ve been federally legalized or at a bear minimum decriminalized. I’m still going to vote Biden, but not because of anything he’s done. Pretty much just because Trump would be worse on every issue I care about.
The bidet brigade has arrived 😂
Heretic! Heathen!
Ouch, didn’t think of that part. Yeah, that’s worrying
With the way Android permissions are setup, anything after version 11 shouldn’t really have access to much of your data unless you specifically give it access
Shows up fine on voyager (Android)
Not quite. You’re forgetting about BattleToads