People don’t seriously try to use Kali as a daily driver, do they? That’s just a meme, right? Right?
there was a point where script kiddies thought using Kali meant installing Kali, so at one point yes it has been used as a daily driver.
I remember having a conversation with a coworker who was getting into Linux when Kali was a big deal for script kiddies. He told me he installed it and I was like “dude you want it to be a read only OS, don’t install it. Just boot to it from a CD or USB.” We went back and forth on that for weeks until I just gave up and labeled him an idiot in my mind.
I put it on a dual boot laptop once because the laptop was to shitty to run to a proper VM and I wanted to get updates at a few different points in time. Intel Core 2 Dou and Windows XP as the other OS. It was more of a project laptop than a daily driver though.
Was windows XP the current windows generation or did you pick it for some other reason? I assume it’ll run easier on weak hardware, and until just now never thought about putting it on my laptop as a dual boot for those moments you actually need windows.
It was around the time Windows 7 was out but XP was still supported by Microsoft.
When I was a kid I installed it and was like “hooHOO, me hacker”, so there are silly things like that.
Nevermind me being too intimidated by CLI to do anything in Linux at the time lmfao.
It’s been a while since I’ve thought about it, so what are the reasons why it’s a bad daily driver? I assume there’s poor support for drivers, hardware, etc.?
Or is it when you do pen testing you don’t want to leave traces of yourself? I’m not a cybersecurity guy, so I genuinely don’t know.
so what are the reasons why it’s a bad daily driver?
Don’t need to go any further than “default user is root.”
Oh yikes LOL.
I understand why Kali needs that for Kali things but hoo boy.
Thanks for succinctly explaining.
Hasn’t been the case anymore for quite some time, even though I think it has quite generous sudo rules. But yes, it’s not meant to be your main OS but instead more like a toolbox you use in liveboot/VM/etc.
I’ve had this conversation with lots of first time Linux users. They think that Kali is the most hardcore hacker OS and that’s what they need to run for a introduction to security course.
Actually, Garuda Linux is really easy to use
Actually, Garuda Linux is really easy to use
I agree; that’s what I use on my main PC. Not sure what that has to do with Kali though.
Hannah Montana 5 eva.
Die, heathen!
I use TempleOS btw.
TempleOS doesn’t have network support. How can you post this without betraying your own OS?
They write out TCP/IP packets by hand, fold them into paper airplanes and throw them at the nearest ISP.
Fake news!!1!!1!
Those are UDP packets.
From the FAQ of the site & its legendary navbar:
Q : How/why did you make such a great OS?
A : I thought - what would attract young users to Linux? So I created this idea after a lot of reading and work.
What the fuck the do you have a life question is so offensive! Stop trying to just be edgy in memes!
I’m so sick of these stupid stereotypes that the Linux community has. I’ll have you know that I use both Debian and Fedora and I do not in fact have a life.
Replace kali with nixos, and it’d be accurate 😁 Also, gentoo.
And Kali is more like “are you older than 13 → no”
why are there 10 tuxes at the top of the screen
At least 10 hardware threads
Kali is pretty much debian with extra toppings
Debian with metasploit pre-installed and some fancy shell presets
also that random github python script you will randomly need lol
Do you fear god?
Yes: TempleOS
No: Hannah Montana Linux
Blasphemy. Hannah Montana is a god.
I thought Alanis Morissette was god…
I do like privacy, but I also have a VR headset so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ windows it is
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not sure why this is getting downvoted, this has happened before and even happens on Apple devices where they just re-enable privacy settings you disabled or whatever else the fuck they want like, idk, bluetooth.
also Microsoft “may” block you from updating your system if its unable to reinstall edge like holy shite
Note for Windows users who uninstalled system apps using previous version If you used (v0.12.6 or v0.12.7) to delete system apps, please follow these steps to avoid potential issues with Windows Updates: Open Command Prompt (Start Menu ➜ type “cmd” ➜ select “Command Prompt”). Copy and paste the following command: PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command “Remove-Item -Path ‘HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Appx\AppxAllUserStore\EndOfLife*’ -Force -Verbose” Press Enter. This action ensures that there are no side effects related to Windows Updates, since Microsoft may block updates if it is unable to reinstall Edge.
That explains why I can’t update Windows, then.
Apple reenabled what settings?
“Significant Locations” and “iPhone Analytics”
also like I said Apple devices likes to randomly re-enable bluetooth or other system settings for some reason
not the first time they did something anti-consumer via a system update
this is why I hate both Microsoft and Apple
The last article I get but the analytics being reenabled was a bug right? I say this as someone who has done every manner of transfer, upgrade and OS update possible on all manner of Apple devices…my settings have never been changed.
One thing they did do recently maybe is flip the checkboxes for analytics to be automatically enabled when they’ve had it opt in for like a decade. Definitely not happy about that.
Bluetooth and WiFi never turns back on unless you’re doing it from the control center…in which case it doesn’t really turn off so much as disconnect you from your current AP and put Bluetooth in low energy mode.
If I’m wrong I want to know. I recently went nuclear on Microsoft’s privacy team for constantly emailing me promotions despite being unsubscribed to everything. I’m on a list now where even if I do sign up for a newsletter, I won’t receive it lol.
/edit Jesus what the fuck. My settings got reset! Thanks for the heads up…wtf is this shit??
Bluetooth and WiFi never turns back on unless you’re doing it from the control center
Interesting. still annoying tho especially with the whole Flipper Zero shenanigans.
The last article I get but the analytics being reenabled was a bug right?
ehhh? I have no idea how a bug like that happens, it could be my paranoia watching these huge companies play with their consumers that way to not believe it was a bug, but if you read the whole article that “bug” didn’t happen to everyone’s iPhone and Apple responded saying they were “investigating” the issue but never really commented on it afterwards.
I recently went nuclear on Microsoft’s privacy team for constantly emailing me promotions despite being unsubscribed to everything.
is that even legal??
Tbh, the amount of users uninstalling edge is so miniscule, it would not be worth it to mess with them by blocking updates.
This probably comes from the way Edge is integrated into a fuckton of background processes and wasn’t a targeted attack.
Yeah I have all my tracking disabled
While this is just a meme, I heard of it happening somewhere so I’m not sure if it’s just a meme
Linux was actually created by sentient AI so that when the day comes they can control all computers with bash scripts instead of those pesky GUIs.
While this is just a meme, I heard of it happening somewhere so I’m not sure if it’s just a meme.
I’ve seen this happen on multiple PCs and laptops.
Is there a reason vr doesn’t work on Linux?
Steam just made a big step forward with steam link, but previously the headset manufacturers were releasing Windows only link software.
Also there are now open source solutions like ALVR… But like most FOSS it can require some know how.
(Or maybe he meant Meta is getting all his data anyways, why be picky)
The Valve Index technically has Linux drivers but they’re kind of buggy and difficult to troubleshoot
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You’re right. Steam link exists for Linux but doesn’t connect to the new VR app. I agree valve likely has every intention of tapping this market soon though
She doesn’t have a quest actually, I have a hp reverb g2, which connects to steam vr through the windows MR software. So no matter how compatible stream vr gets with Linux I still need to have the wmr stuff available.
Also I have a phone, so yeah everyone does have all my data despite my best efforts.
I do like privacy, but I’m lazy.
You can easily debloat Windows with shutup10.
Why are both Debian and Debian: Kidz Edition on there?
Some people have kids, I guess.
Am I stupid. Most Linux users I know are more paranoid about tech than anyone else
The difference between paranoia and fear is the difference between not wanting to buy a Google Home because it listens to you and not wanting to buy a Google Home because you’re afraid you’ll break it.
That is actually a great metaphore. I always just used:
It’s like me not wanting to use google photos because they scan your photos to train algorithms vs my mom not wanting to use google photos because she is afraid all of her photos will get deleted.
This is the comment I was looking for. I am very paranoid of technology and live in a constant fear of 0-day exploits and encryption backdoors.
I have been using the same Arch installation for about 8 years. The initial installation/configuration is the only time consuming part. Actual day-to-day usage is extremely easy.
Maybe this is no longer the case but I previously used Ubuntu and it was actually much more annoying in comparison, especially when upgrading between major revisions or needing to track down sources/PPAs for packages not in the main repos. Or just when you want something more up-to-date than what they’re currently shipping.
The rolling release model + the AUR saves so much time and prevents a lot of headaches.
You may have just sold me on Arch.
I have never been able to hold down an Ubuntu install for very long without getting that dreaded
you have held broken packages
scold.Yeah, I love Arch for the same reasons. Try installing it in a VM and using it a bit, and you’ll see that it’s quite an easy OS to use now.
You can follow the wiki guide and really have a solid systems that is just yours. That will take some time and can be a little frustrating.
Or use the installer script they have included for a year or more now and get to a working desktop in 20-30 minutes.
But if you feel the need to trim down the scripted version, you can make it just a strong as the step-by-step install in a few hours.
I have used the same step-by-step based on the wiki install since 2016, on my daily driver laptop
had same experience with ubuntu, just outdated packages. outside of two major breaks that were announced beforehand arch has been just fine
Same Gentoo installation for last 5 years.
Here’s BTWOS for you:
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Oh god yeah that’s the fate of snap and flat pack.
Install OBS studio, current version has some issues oh look there’s a flat pack install the flat pack instead. OBS runs great. Oh, I need some plugins Go to install the plugins, The plugins folder isn’t where it belongs. I scrape along and find the plugins folder I try to shove them in there doesn’t work. Oh I need to find the flat pack installer for the plugin… But half the s*** I want isn’t available.
I truly appreciate them trying to make things more universal and easier. But it’s a fine line we’re walking between easy but unconfigurable and non-standard complicated but flexible.
Worth noting, this meme is from the time before Arch had an easy installer. So that’s probably what it’s referring to. I joined Linux almost 4 years ago, and this meme already existed then. I dunno how old it really is.
I totally get that
reminds me of what happens when developing software and using “no code” tools. Fragile and inflexible but if you meet the exact use case in the exact way it’s an instant win
This sounds like my Ubuntu xp as well. Although I haven’t had the arch xp to compare it against which makes me slightly hesitant to jump in.
I’m pretty tempted to revamp my old laptop to arch though. Just needs funds for enough personal storage first.
I don’t get all the Apple hate from the Linux community. Out of the box you have a fully usable *NIX machine — they even switched the default shell to zsh! No advertising in the Start menu, and ssh (client and server) included by default. Install homebrew and boom — tmux, htop, nload, lolcats…most of your favorite tools can be installed easy as on any linux distro.
I use Debian for personal use, and I much prefer it…but basically only because I prefer i3 to the Mac GUI.
Virtually non-repairable hardware I’m especially salty on disks and keyboards. The SMCs have been garbage for years.
Expensive as hell.
Crappy default package management. Crappy heat management. Years of ignoring customers wants (escape key). Their logs are half-assed. Xcode is pretty trashy and they keep doing non backwards compatible upgrades for things. Once* a box reaches a number of years old You can’t get OS updates anymore then you can’t have xcode versions updates anymore.
They’re pretty, They have great battery life, and they’re *nix but the advantages fall apart pretty quickly when you start digging into them.
Wait, what’s up with the escape key? I don’t know much about macs
When they added that stupid touch bar they removed the physical esc key. They brought it back in later models
I assumed that’s the only thing it could mean but literally could not believe anyone would decide to remove the fucking escape key of all things… WTF
Crappy default package management.
What’s wrong with homebrew?
Other people’s software is great, what was asked is why the Apple hate.
Apple doesn’t provide Homebrew, Apple updates *in the past have occasionally broken it horribly. (Looking at you El Capitan)
But while we are taking a look at home brew, If you need a specific version of something you are occasionally up a creek. It’s been a hot few years since I was daily driving OSX *as my primary, but when I needed a certain version of memcache or a certain version of netcat for a feature, It just wasn’t there and then compiling it for the OS was a far bigger pain in the ass than it is on any Linux distro.
What’s wrong with homebrew?
Crappy default package management.
Homebrew might as well be default.
That makes about as much sense as saying that pip, gem, npm, cargo, or nix should called be the default package manager on Mac OS…
The default package manager is the default because it manages the system’s software. RPM, Deb/apt, pacman, etc. Homebrew is like pip or docker or cargo or snap or whatever else. You can set it up if you’d like but it’s certainly not a default. (Though I’m not trying to dispute that it’s good 😊)
Mac OS doesn’t have a good default package management solution (though they would if they just opened up the app store and added a CLI). It’s ok to admit it, and say that third party folks (who Apple does not support unless I’m missing something) are powering a pretty good third party experience. If only Apple cared about people who wanted a truly free an customizable computer, they could make a great OS :)
Homebrew is fairly different from pip, cargo or npm in that only python developers use pip, only rust developers use cargo, etc. And those are mostly used to manage libraries, rather than executables.
Meanwhile, essentially everyone who uses the console uses homebrew regardless of what programming languages they might or might not use. I was making a joke about how good, useful and basically required homebrew is.
EOL support. I have a 11-12 year old System76 laptop. Works perfectly on the latest Ubuntu version.
Their shitty walled garden for both software (iOS) and hardware (soldered components that don’t need to be).
Fake sense of privacy.
I used Mac OS 6.x through 10.4. When I was in college and couldn’t afford to replace my aging G4, I triple booted Fedora, Mac OS X, and Windows on a hackintosh where I gravitated towards mostly Linux and Windows for a couple games. Owned a couple iPhones but decided to role Android when the nexus 6 came out to save some money when I had my first child on the way and my current phone was dying.
I don’t miss anything I left behind. Had a short stint at work during COVID where I was given a MacBook. While not horrible, I ran into enough nuances I was able to justify to my work using a Linux laptop instead. I just don’t find anything appealing to give them my business.
Apple is an awful company that screws thee customers over every chance they get
But why did they default to zsh?
Because they didn’t like that bash was GPL
Because they are asshats
But really, because of the licenses. Bash went to gpl3.
Agreed. Macs are perfectly fine and capable UNIX machines, really the only problem with them is the price. And yes I get that some people aren’t fans of the UI but it requires no more of a learning curve than, say, GNOME.
But whatever. I’m not even offended by this meme, it’s actually rather factual on the whole, which can’t be said for everything posted in this group.
Mac is proprietary bullshit that’s why. It’s fine for work usage. At home I want to support FOSS.
Also MacBooks are a ripoff. You get 6-8 years of support and then all updates stop. Not worth it when Linux support is indefinite, and even Windows gets you 10+ years.
Apple gets hate from everyone. Windows users, *nix users; doesn’t matter. The only ones who don’t hate apple are clowns. Are you a clown?
I don’t get all the Apple hate from the Linux community.
Being poor hurts. Distributing hurt makes it feel better.
read fedora as facebook and then just imagined facebook putting out a facebook distro
Zuck Linux - would make canonical look like saints
I mean, Microsoft also has their Linux distro, sort of:
When you want to use Linux but miss the invase data collection of windows
Accurate for a Linux meme, yes.
Accurate in real life? No.
Thank you! So I CARE about my privacy, so ChromeOS is on the table!?
Ubuntu shouldn’t be with those who care about privacy. Snap is completely integrated into Ubuntu now.
What do we do with your information?
Your information is stored in our database and may be processed outside of the European Economic Area.
Canonical LTD.
They’re going to be just as bad as Apple, Google or Microsoft if they’re given the market share. Corporations care only about one thing.
And they have a shocking share of the server market despite the existence of Debian. Unfortunate.
Hey I’m on Ubuntu because I’m lazy, not because I have a life