• scops
    162 years ago

    While I wish CDPR had pulled the band-aid and canceled (with refund or free upgrade to next gen) the PS4 and Xbox Series platforms, my controversial opinion is that this game has been GoTY on PC since day one. Plenty of my favorite games had rough launches (Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines, No Man’s Sky, Witcher 3, Skyrim - hell, I even lost an hour to the cross-save bug in Baldurs Gate 3), but it became a meme to hate on CP2077, and I understand why the devs claim to this day that the game deserves more credit.

    I understand that players are tired of broken launches, and I agree that devs should be more cautious about what features they show in alpha/beta stages to manage hype, but I think the oversized backlash this game received stopped or delayed a large swathe of gamers from experiencing a truly great game and gave the devs way more stress than they had earned.

      • @frostwhitewolf@lemmy.world
        192 years ago

        Yes, it was far far more than just a buggy release. Even if the game was originally released in the state it’s in now people would still have been pissed. The bugs were just a distraction.

        • @JimmyMcGill@lemmy.world
          42 years ago

          I could have lived with the bugs and poor performance, but the game was shallow af and very much different from what we were sold for years.

          It was basically the we have X at home meme, but with a meta twist.

      • @CitizenKong@lemmy.world
        2 years ago

        Yeah, the only other game that was so brazenly lied about before launch was No Man’s Sky and to their credit Hello Games actually implemented everything that was promised back then now and then some, for free.

    • @Astroturfed@lemmy.world
      172 years ago

      Did you somehow get a different game? Or maybe you somehow avoided all the bugs everyone else experienced. Still even if worked perfectly, game of the year seems a bit much.

      • @smeenz@lemmy.nz
        32 years ago

        Even now, years later, there are still unfixed bugs. I have a game where there’s one mission showing up in a building that is impossible to enter. I even started the game clean from the beginning a year ago and hit the same damn bug again.

        Others have reported it too, so I’m not the only one.

      • Bleeping Lobster
        22 years ago

        I didn’t have any gamebreaking bugs, but had soooo so many “how the fuck did this pass quality control?” bugs. Most of them were pretty funny, like the time I didn’t understand how the cyberpsycho quests worked, and tried to take the unconscious body with me.

        The game system did not like having that body in the trunk of my car, with hilarious Dali-esque consequences.

        Aside from that, the deep systems that were promised were extremely shallow; the onscreen map was fucked, too small to see turns coming (pathing too CPU-intensive when zoomed out?); the onscreen HUD still last time I played was too small to read on a 4k screen; the car handling / driving is still atrocious (at least, last time I played). It is a fun game, especially for those picking it up now. Mods make it much more fun.

    • MeanEYE
      142 years ago

      If by rough launch you mean pretty much omitted majority of things they said will be in the game, then yes. Rough launch. And here I am worrying when indie devs don’t have enough time to fix minor bug in their games.

    • R0cket_M00se
      132 years ago

      Damn, a lot to unpack here.

      1. Broken launches aren’t something to be tired of, imagine if everytime you bought a car it has to be recalled. Every Sandwich you ate gave you food poisoning. All of the tools you buy snap the first time they undergo a few foot pounds of torque.

      This market runs on money, and the only way to combine them to put out functional games is to refuse to pay for sub par products. Anything less and they’ll go “oh shit, we’re still making money. I guess we don’t need to provide anything beyond a tech demo to rake in 70 bucks + cosmetics, etc.”

      1. They absolutely lied about their systems. Fully functional crowds and AI? Bullshit. A cop system that actually works? Bullshit. They pop out of a hole in the ground and insta-gank you. If they can’t even replicate decade old police technology that games like GTA IV managed to get right, then they should have just given you the “DONT KILL CIVILIANS” with a game over screen instead of some half-baked system of having police that spawn behind and instantly kill you. A total waste of a mechanic that they couldn’t even fully implement or commit to.

      2. While the game was mostly broken on last gen consoles, I have a fairly powerful desktop and still got game breaking bugs on occasion with only mildly infuriating ones fairly frequently. To say the game was GOTY on day one is absolutely mind-boggling. Your standards for games are clearly through the floor on this one if you really consider it GOTY on release lol I wouldn’t even consider it that good NOW and I’ve just recently 100%'ed the damn game.

      I’ll agree that it got more hate than it deserves, but let’s not swing the pendulum the other way and pretend this is some nugget of gold that people just didn’t see. It was broken and got treated as such.

    • NegativeLookBehind
      132 years ago

      What about it makes it GOTY for you? It was a broken, hollow shell of what they had been promising for years.

      • @Yokozuna@lemmy.world
        12 years ago

        Honestly you’re not wrong, the launch of the game was actually horrible. The game was good in theory but was halfway executed and shoved into our faces as something great when it obviously wasn’t when they shipped it.

    • @okamiueru@lemmy.world
      62 years ago

      I’ve been a huge fan of CDPR since the witcher 2. I love the world of cyberpunk. The combination seemed like a dream come true. So, I deliberately held out on absolutely any and all spoilers. It was not easy.

      I bought a new computer for the game. I booked a two week vacation to play the game.

      And, I mostly enjoyed it. It was a little bit underwhelming, and some systems seemed a bit contrived. But, it was still fun, with some amazing city design. Definitely not something that I would call GoTY.

      Then, I looked at all the outrage, and I looked at the promotional material. And, oh boy, did that seem fraudulent. Like, “how come no one went to jail”-fraud. Pretty straight up lying about every part of the game. And why? I don’t know, but it seriously stained my view of CDPR.

      • Echo Dot
        2 years ago

        Never ever ever buy a game until after reviews come out. It’s not worth it. It doesn’t matter if it’s from a legendary game studio, they can find all of the developers, they could fire all of the managers, and still be called the same thing. The name is no guarantee of anything.

        Pre-ordering games had a point back when they were mostly physical, because if you didn’t, you ran the risk of them running out. Although I didn’t pre-order GTA V, and just walked into a game store on the day of release and bought two copies, so since then I’ve rather been of the opinion that even with physical products, it’s probably not very likely they’re going to run out.

        But now everything’s digital there’s 100% no reason to pre-order. Make them make the actual product they claimed to have made.

      • @ADTJ@feddit.uk
        12 years ago

        I played through it at launch on my lower end gaming laptop (1050 GPU) that I had at the time. With some fiddling, and basically turning everything to lowest I got it to just about playable framerates.

        Massively enjoyed the game and its universe. I hit a few bugs but nothing that was hugely game breaking, at least nowhere as bad as people were saying. I also managed my expectations knowing my hardware at the time was low-end/dated.

        Then I saw footage of the game being played on base tier PS4 and Xbox One hardware and holy shit, if I’d bought it on either of those (especially Xbox), I’d have been furious. The game was not ready and should never have been released for those consoles. It clearly needed at least PS4 Pro or One X to even be remotely playable at launch.

    • @Tevren@lemmy.ml
      12 years ago

      I think a lot of the negativity also comes from misunderstanding what the game is.

      Just like you, I played the game on release (on PC) and it is for me one of the best games of all time for one specific reason: immersion and story. That’s exactly what I expected from CDPR after Witcher 3 (another story and immersion focused game) and that’s exactly what I got. I didn’t expect a company known for their story focus and relatively weaker gameplay to deliver a game focused on gameplay or sandbox elements.

      I think a lot of people wanted something that CDPR was never going to deliver, but it seems like Phantom Liberty is leaning more into the sandbox that people wanted and (unsurprisingly) didn’t get at release.

      • @Graphine@lemmy.world
        42 years ago

        You can’t say that when for literally YEARS CDPR advertised the game as being exactly that. A futuristic, play-who-you-want RPG sandbox. Instead we practically got a Far Cry clone with light RPG elements. They just quietly stopped advertising it as such.

        But people remember. Just because you didn’t expect it yourself doesn’t mean it wasn’t advertised as such.

      • R0cket_M00se
        42 years ago

        I see this argument a lot when people criticize this game and it seems like you are all suffering from some Mandela fever dream. Or maybe you just didn’t watch any of the trailers and dev commentary?

        CDPR literally marketed the game as and constantly raved about how the city was the most immersive sandbox possible. With fully scripted AI living full lives and reacting realistically to you. A full police system that would enforce harsh punishments. They wanted players to believe it was going to be the same level of interactivity with the world as games like GTA or Watch Dogs.

        Idk what made you think they were “never going to deliver” that when it was constantly being talked about by the PEOPLE WHO MADE THE GAME.

        “Well, CDPR has never made a game like that and the Witcher series wasn’t like that so it doesn’t matter that they spent years telling everyone that it was going to be that way! It’s you’re fault for not knowing!”


    • Nico Berlo
      02 years ago

      @scops @simple I started playing CP from day one and sincerely it wasn’t that bad at all. There was a huge wave of self entertained moaners

  • @li10@feddit.uk
    162 years ago

    Did they ever actually get the game working as it should?

    I checked getting on for a year ago and apparently it was still in a bit of a state then.

    That being said, even though people were furious about the performance, the lack of depth was what really made the game a disappointment.

    • @Foggyfroggy@lemmy.world
      182 years ago

      I played the whole thing on ps5, did about 90 hours. It’s good now. Especially the mantis blades that come out of your arms and the quick hacks that let you control the cameras then hack all the guards so they shoot themselves or fry their implants. I did a ninja hacker build. Totally op but it was still fun. And I’ve heard good things about the gorilla arms.

      The city feels more alive on ps5, lots of people, and I never had any issues with the cars or motorcycle glitching. If you like cyberpunk stuff it’s worth it and the dlc is coming out. There are areas where you can tell where they had to pull back, like the clothing options which all suck and the body stuff which has no purpose or unless you are changing clothes. Also I didn’t like V’s voice character at first but it grew on me. The acting is good all around.

      • potpotato
        32 years ago

        One of the first pieces of clothing I picked up were chaps. When equipped, I was running around with my dong out.

    • @Makeshift@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      2 years ago

      the lack of depth was what really made the game a disappointment

      this right here. I didn’t experience any bugs at all on pc but the game is just bad, the world doesn’t feel lived in, and the gameplay is just meh (some guns were fun though)

      • circuitfarmer
        92 years ago

        Working public transit would have gone a long way towards this kind of immersion. It’s a damn shame too, because the system technically exists, and there are even placeholders for stations.

        I think there were a lot of resources put towards getting the whole damn thing to run on last gen XB and PS4 which just made so many things impossible, and obviously you dont really want to have a couple versions out there without feature parity. They ended up with it anyway, but I think we may have seen a more complete product on launch had those dev resources not been needed for the older consoles.

    • @Windows_95@lemmy.ml
      92 years ago

      The game is more stable now, however it is still as shallow as a puddle and major systems like driving and melee combat still feel as clunky and unfun as day one

    • MeanEYE
      72 years ago

      It strikes me as odd just how much fanboys can stretch their fandom of anything. Promise space and universe, best and the biggest ever. Deliver local park bench in average texture quality. Then after, now mandatory, apology JPEG on Twitter they release HD version of same texture and everyone goes “ooh, aaaah, it’s good now”. As if the rest was never promised. One needs look no further than Crowbcats videos for these downgrades.

      Only company that did the right thing was Hello Games, who sat down and worked their ass of and gave all the fixes for free and implemented everything promised.

      • @Graphine@lemmy.world
        2 years ago

        HG hasn’t implemented EVERYTHING as promised. Honestly…

        But the game is a lot better. Very little bugs. Spent some hours with it via Game Pass. I enjoy it way more versus Day 1 release. But the core mechanics are still a problem. That loop of “mine, find stuff, build a quick base (new), leave planet” is still present. They’ve just added extra stuff to do, but that little quirk is what makes the game get boring REALLY fast. Even the planets are still single biome which creates this lack of need or desire for exploration. I want to do things outside of that, and while I can with missions, the missions are boring and lackluster. Without a doubt, the game is still decent in its own right. But $60 dollars? Hell no.

        You just can’t fix how a game was intended to be played unfortunately.

        • MeanEYE
          12 years ago

          Well, the loop is no longer necessary apart from fixing your ship. I played it that way and completed a game without a single base. I had to place some buildings to progress with initial quest line but I never maintained it or got back to it for anything other than to progress quest line.

          As for content, yes, there could always be room for more but it’s far from empty and boring. You can manage fleets now, manage villages, do daily quests with other people, etc. There are things to do. Things to discover. Hunting for unique ships is especially interesting as they are located in specific planets and specific universes so use of gates is necessary.

          So far game had many DLCs, all of which were free. They sat down and worked hard until game was complete. CDPR on the other hand still doesn’t have many things they’ve promised and now there’s DLC for 30€, while base game is still 60€. Still unpolished and buggy, lacking content promised initially.

          • @Goblin_Mode@ttrpg.network
            22 years ago

            At the end of the day this is all subjective so far be it from me to claim objectivity. That being said I don’t think you could really classify a lot of that as “things to do”

            Managing fleets is just about W keying in space until you see a frigate and buying a couple ships with high stats. But in my experience stats don’t even really matter because the missions are almost always a success anyway. Speaking of fleet missions they are imo the most mobile game-y “come back in 26 hours” passive resource thing imaginable. No interactivity, just press a button and come back later.

            Managing the village was fun for the first I’m gonna say 2 hours. Now it’s just another passive resource that pays out every 24 hours and makes me do some combat every time I visit. That well is about 2 inches deep and produces just enough water for me to call it a feature.

            Daily quests are very samey. A lot of fetch quests for miscellaneous doodads that basically boil down to "go to the same terrestrial bunker you’ve seen 100 times on 100 worlds, Kill some sentinels (or bugs), interact with console, Get some cryptic dialog, return to quest giver, receive dosh. Again, Kinda fun at first, gets boring as hell very quick.

            Ship collecting is at least interesting in that the RNG and strategy mesh nicely. But without any way to customize your ship outside of just finding one that looks the way you want there’s nothing more to do with them besides look at them. There’s no real reason to have more than 1.

            Listen I don’t think the game is particularly bad. I’d even say it’s an upper tier “podcast game”, hell I have 100+ hours in it over like 3 years myself. But let’s not kid ourselves and say it’s a great game. It’s a perfectly Passable time waster to keep your hands busy while you do something else like chat with friends or read an audiobook (see: “podcast game”)

            • MeanEYE
              12 years ago

              Oh for sure I’ve played better games and I can’t call it great. It’s an okay game and I have similar amount of hours in it. But I think company needs to be praised for not doing what virtually every other company does these days and that’s to make an apology video claiming it was a good lesson for them and next time they’ll do better and to thank us for trusting them with our money. But they had no issue selling pre-orders, ultimate and platinum editions while fully knowing product is not finished.

            • MeanEYE
              12 years ago

              And yet another free DLC from Hello Games. Even if you don’t like the game, you can’t really be mad when they drop content updates for free like this on a regular basis.

    • @dmonzel@lemmy.world
      62 years ago

      The 1.5 release (Feb 2022) was where it went from pretty good on some platforms to really good on Stadia and next gen. I can’t speak to PC, personally as I’ve only played on Stadia and PS5, though.

        • circuitfarmer
          32 years ago

          Yeah, I played it day 1 on PC. Game mechanics issues aside (which are consistent between versions), it ran pretty well and I never even encountered anything game breaking. I suspect the PC version was actually the best at launch (probably still is since it’s ported to other systems).

          Those last gen versions should never have even been attempted.

  • @TheDubz87@lemmy.world
    22 years ago

    I’m seeing this on Xbox marketplace sold as a bundle (game and expansion), but when I check the expansion it says not sold separately. Are they actually onlying pushing this as a bundle on Xbox? I already own the game so if I can’t buy just the expansion, I will not be playing it.