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Getting the bad news out ahead of the PS5 Pro announcement tomorrow it seems
You were $100 off.
And this without a disc drive. Unbelievable. It’s > $1000 (incl. tax) in Germany with a disc drive (If this is even compatible).
That’s definitely dope PC money hahaha
But the non-pro version with a disk drive is half that price. The thing is they haven’t even been that many games for the PlayStation 5 anyway so I can’t imagine it’s going to be a lot that’s going to take advantage of the pro.
Damn… originally it was rumored to be the late ‘00s meme price. With how powerful the regular PS5 is, I don’t see the value in that… even more if you want a disc drive? That’s close to mid-high end computer price.
I had to check your profile to see if you’re the coworker I was just messaging about this who just corrected me about this lawl
also furry gang uwu
Sony sees they finally have no real competitors in the console market so they reverted back to their most anti-consumer form and mindset
Fantastic. I sure hope they also keep adding in Sony account requirements to their computer game (I will not sign up for a Sony account)
They’re already more than I want to spend…
It’s damn near a hundo
There’s better controllers for half that price
But got damn are the triggers and haptics ever fucking dope (even if they only work with a couple awesome PC games)
A pair of joycons in Canada is $100. Shits crazy
I’ve repaired 4 joycons twice each from 2019 up until now. Those stupid fucking joysticks…I’m buying a CRKD nitro next time I have to replace shit.
Really wish Sony would just allow DS4s to be used for PS5 games.
My favorite part about hacking systems is when someone makes other controllers compatible.
In using my Xbox controller on my hacked Wii U.
Bloopair FTW
I just bought a PS4 to hack …it’s on 11.52. Pawn shop I ordered it from said they upgraded it just to make sure I could play games on it. How thoughtful of them :(
That blows. I never had a ps4, so I don’t know the whole deal about modding/rooting it. It is crazy that some of these devices have “fuses” that can brick your device if tampered with. It is my device dammit.
I think up to 11.0 can be jail broken.
Yea if the company no longer is updating the product I should be allowed to have root access. Open source when your done making money on it.
No to be fair, I understand why NOT. Based on software sales. But still. It’s why I always stick with PC gaming and consoles are the guilty pleasure. I don’t pay for online or anything.
“fuck you give me money”
How is the bootleg ps5 controller market? I don’t have a ps5 myself but it seems like the obvious answer is to just buy the highest quality off-brand at the better price if you don’t want to pay more.
That haptic feedback on the PS5 controller is a rare feature that actually adds something to a controller. If there are third-party options with the haptics, I’d love to know about them, because they kind of spoil you once you get used to them.
Yeah the PS5 controller is about the only innovative part of this console generation. The adaptive triggers and haptics are just great. I use one on the PC and for the games that support the extra features they really do add an extra dimension.
I don’t have a PS5 but bought a controller. The first time I was playing a game that supported that feature, I thought my shoulder buttons had broken somehow. I suddenly had to press very hard after pressing the button halfway, and it was clicking. It clicked a bit later that it was a feature when it wasn’t happening all the time, just when doing a certain thing in the game.
The touch pads on the steam deck are freaky like this. I thought my left one was broken until I used it in a game compared to the os menu.
Also, motion controls are wicked awesome in shooting games.
Funny because I noticed the haptic feedback for the first time recently after owning my PS5 for over a year and was instantly looking for ways to disable it. I don’t trust an unnecessary vibrating motor not to fuck up the parts of the controller I actually care about keeping functional and the Dualsense battery life is abysmal enough as it is
It’s designed from the ground up for the haptics though, it ain’t going to break it.
I mean the counter arguement to that is the joy cons joysticks break all the time by just using them.
I just got a 8BitDo pro 2 because every PlayStation controller for the last 4yrs has broken in less than 6 months and it’s great. Feels good, connects over Bluetooth, and has Hall effect joysticks that aren’t prone to drift, which was the Sony controller main issue. All for $50. I think I’m done with Sony controllers.
How is its compatibility with the PS4/5? Might snag one but am worried that it would be subpar compared to an original controller - for example because of a missing touch pad
I’m not sure, only ever used it with my PC. As for the touchpad, haven’t noticed not having it but I mostly play COD and older aRPGs.
Lol damn. Glad I’m a patient gamer.
So am I, but I’ve gone through pretty much every PS4 game worth playing so I want a ps5
I just got a PS4 like last week. I have They are billions…and that’s it. Although I’m really only interested in spiderman.
I have gone on top 100 lists and have played every top PS4 game or PS4 game above a 7 rating. But they’re done making new games for ps4. I don’t know why I got downvoted for that 🤷♂️
Yea you shouldn’t have been downvoted. I’m just waiting for the jailbreak to come out to start tinkering with it. I bought it to bust it open and run Linux and such. Not really to game.
I heard about this. Why are people jailbreaking their ps5? Like to do what? Wouldn’t that get you banned by psplus?
Piracy for most. I just wanna run Linux ony PS4. And do some light coding and such.
I didn’t think pirating on consoles was even possible anymore with all the license verifications
Much as I’ve come to hate Xbox, this could be the beginning of signs of monopoly - they don’t have so much competition anymore, so they can do what they want. Certainly doesn’t help that unofficial controllers have never been good.
The thing is that’s 100% on Microsoft. Sony didn’t really do anything, Microsoft just kind of flounded around like a fish out of water.
They seemed utterly incapable of realizing that halo is their main franchise lead and should actually be good
*sad halo fan noises.
They are not good at least partialy beacuse of sony which apparently actively sabotaged them. At least dualshock 4 . It may be better with dualsense alghtough i doubt it .
Also another cavieat is that they unfortunetly are quite affordable for what they offer. Even on pc the recommendation is usualy to buy console controler ( alghtough not nessearily current gen one ). They truly pack quite a bit of technology in them.
I mean, what other type of controller would you buy on PC if you’re looking to buy a game controller? Unless you’re not including 3rd party controllers as “console controllers”. Afaik, the xbox pro controller is still considered the best controller to use on PC, and while it is made by Microsoft, it’s not a controller that comes with the console.
The PC controller market just isn’t large enough to support pc-only controllers. Of course the recommendation is to always buy a console controller, pc controllers don’t exist! 😂
Yes, I know some games have their own controller type like flight sticks, game pads, and OSU, but nobody is seriously using those for rocket league and elden ring.
By console controlers i meant first party console controlers. So dualshock,dualsense, official xbox controlers or switch pro controler ( Most commonly xbox , alghtough recently i saw uptick in recomending PlayStation controlers ). The 3rd party controlers are either poor quality or just as expensive and quite often both ( which is probably why console official controlers are recommended as sort of stamp of quality )
My newer PS5 controller suddenly started refusing to charge when plugged into a USB - the PS5 gave a warning that the charge was too high and it made my PC’s USB slots stop working for a bit after plugging it in. Glad they made that alternate way of charging at the bottom, as I got a charge stand and it worked.
I guess my plan to hold out for the Pro to see if the regular console drops in price isn’t going to work.
Probably because its the most selling hardware they produce.
They keep getting stick drift at insane rates (anecdotal evidence), which sony ensures is a great pain to get fixed, assuming you’re in warranty.
Ive just replaced one stick in my friends ds5 with the hall effect type, which should outlast the rest of the controller and cost £1.50 (which I’m sure would be less wholesale).I’ve got the feeling that drift is an issue that is becoming more prevalent more and more.
I have controllers from ps1 and ps2 that work flawlessly nowadays. But the more current the controller the more probable it has stick drift.
I’m not all for conspiracies. But I wouldn’t be surprised if this is a lightning bulbs type of pact to introduce programmed obsolescence on a product that otherwise would just last forever without need to buy replacements.
You gotta think to the degree of control the ps2 had is very much a drop in the bucket to the sensitivity of new controlers. I think they have complicated things to much so a ever so slight drift which used to not even register is now being picked up.
The biggest thing all consoles could do is make a dead zone calibration tool. It would allows people experiencing stick drift to reduce the detection of movement prolongibg the life of a controler
You’re still rubbing a conductor against a resistor - that will wear out due to physical contact no matter what.
Calibration would be a good.
Yea I just want to be able to fix the deadzone size in the Xbox controller settings…that’s not much to ask for.
A friend just did the same thing. My two PS5 controllers I’ve had since the beginning are still fine, luckily. The price tag for the DualSense Edge controllers, which apparently have the hall effect sensors built-in, is absolutely ridiculous. I saw them on Amazon for just under €230. Almost half as much as I paid for the damn console. I don’t know what the guys at Sony smoked, but it was too much.
ok sony is getting desperate
I have an XBox 360 controller lying around that still works great. I have a couple DS4s that still work great even though the rubber started coming off the analog sticks. The one Dualsense I bought crapped out after a single year of moderate use.
Long tangent, but I got the Edge or whatever stupid expensive version they have for the extra triggers/levers underneath. I have really small/short palms and don’t have the reach to push all the buttons properly. I wouldn’t be able to play Elden Ring at all without them. I roll and use potions with the levers instead. Even then, it is still painful after a while and some of the contortions I have to do at times can be annoying.
I have the issue of barely having enough “wrap” with my palm and pinky to grip around the hand things that are angled down a little too much. I absolutely despise that the dpad is one of those rocker pieces underneath instead of individual buttons. I will accidentally do a direction I didn’t intend because I rocked the down button too far to the right. It is because the controller still isn’t straight when I hold it. lt is partially rotated in my hand so I can get a little more reach upwards and it makes the dpad usable. Having to compensate the direction of joysticks is super fun. I basically have to death grip the controller with my right pinky and tightly squeezed palm to keep it stable.
When that accessible controller came out for the Xbox I was super bummed it wasn’t for all platforms yet. Doesn’t help I would need to have 2 kits to be able to have separate sides like joycons. Joycons have been my favorite controller of all time as I can comfortably hold them. I tried making a proof of concept sort of gel/shredded memory foam cover, which did help, but it didn’t solve the severe pain in my palm, especially the area under my pinky that I use to death grip the controller. After seeing the glove Martina made after she cut off her pinky, I want to try and make a glove next to take the pressure off, improve grip, and sort of brace/support the part of my hand that I keep hurting.
It sucks that accessories keep getting more expensive. I haven’t had any issues my my edge, but you bet I would be utterly infuriated if it didn’t last when it is almost half the price of the console itself. I have some mechanical keyboards and those things can really get up there in price too. Ergonomic mice are not exactly cheap either. I hate having to use a trackball but so far the only comfortable one is that Logitech one and I have to use the extra angled base it comes with. I game with it.
5 USD, this is just taking the piss now, things cannot be allowed to get cheaper anymore. I’m glad 8bitdo exists, at least they don’t have stick drift lol.
I’m glad 8bitdo exists, at least they don’t have stick drift lol.
I’m actually kind of sad so many people deleted their reddit comments because I would have never fixed my ultimate C controller without a comment. I had no idea they had “hall effect” sensors or whatever so I thought I had stick drift until I found a reddit comment mentioning that you can’t have that and to just use rubbing alcohol to fix it, which it did!
deleted by creator
But they have this crazy rumble system that is used for 2 games that you really need.
The new Duelsense features are used in just about every single game on PS5. I have yet to come across any AAA game even from a non-Sony publisher who doesn’t use them.
Yup i see that complaint very often and i do not understand where pepole get it. The r2 l2 whatewer its called thingy is probably the most used new controler feature since analog became a thing ( or perhaps speaker on the controler. Thats used quite extensivly since dualshock 4 ).
The touchpad is still usless tho despite it being a thing since ps4.
I think I could count on one hand the number of games I’ve played that actually used the touch features of the touch pad (swipe, pinch, etc…) rather than have it just be a big button.
I forget which game it was but they let you control the map with it. Was actually pretty good once you got used to it.
One part of the touch pad that’s used very often is the touch zones, effectively using the touchpad as two buttons. Outside of that though it’s very rare. I think Ghost of Tsushima used the swipe.
I mean its good enough just as a quick setting menu like in kilzone. I wonder why more games dont use it as such. I would love to have it as quick setting in cyberpunk so i can quickly change between grenade rocket launcher and the camuflage ( or to be precise map whatewer i need there , thats just my particular build ).
I’m disappointed in No Mans Sky for not using it for the Utility Menu they have. Really was a missed opportunity.
I remap the sides of the touch pad to be Select and Start, because the damn normal buttons are way too small for my thumbs!