You should dual boot it with Windows. Then you get the beeeeeeest of both worlds…
There’s PonyOS for anyone who thinks Linux is too commercial, like me.
PonyOS is not […] a Hurd .
Damn right. No one is a Hurd. I’ll be dead & buried long before that thing enters alpha status.
I’m Hurd right now.
it is beyond me why people do such stuff
I’m imagining Jack Sparrow doing the Hannah Montana pose in the screenshot.
Also you should do another meme about Rebecca Black OS being the most innovative distro.
Isn’t it just a kubuntu fork with mainly visual changes?
There are functionally worse distros out there
I think you mean best distro
that’s nyarch or uwubuntu
Wow that was like their joke but opposite
you misspelled best
Do what now?
Also there is github/HannahMontana-ALE:
The prophecy has fortold of something rising from the ashes to replace Arch, but instead of extingushing it, it will carry Arch with it to achieve it’s final form.
I genuinely can’t tell if this is a joke that got out of hand or a real thing.
I can’t find a way to download it :c
It points to Tucows, which brings me to the Internet Archive, which doesn’t seem to have a download.
Oh, yeah, I did notice that, too. It was created a decade ago and hasn’t been maintained much. I assume, you can still find torrents of it, though.
Torrent is linked in their sourceforge page.
Ohhhh yeah I got a new suggestion when someone I don’t like wants to get into “your nerd linux world”