Any weird/controversial opinions? I’ll start. Before the remake, the best version of Resident Evil 4 was the Wii version. The Wiimote controls old Resi’s tank controls better than any other controller at the time. The PC version had a bunch of little bugs and detractors that the Wii version just doesn’t have.

I’ll extend this by saying that the Wiimote is actually pretty damn good for shooters, and particularly good for accessibility. Not having to cramp up my hands to press buttons is awesome for having arthritis. Aiming with the Wiimote and moving with the nunchuck just feel really natural, you barely have to move your fingers for anything.

    2 years ago

    Absolutely hate any game that’s long for the sake of being long. Take AC Valhalla. Halve that game, turn it into a less open/less grindy game, a narrative mode if you will. It would be soo much better. I don’t want to spend hours hacking the same enemy, riding the same horse or travelling. So boring.

    There are soooo many games to play, I don’t want to be wasting my time. Insert Hogwarts, God of War, RDR2 etc

      262 years ago

      Games are designed like this because too many gamers still subscribe to the extremely flawed “dollars per hour = value” assessment. XP systems and bloated open worlds cater exactly to this fallacy, because more is always better…right?

      Games like the Tony Hawk 1+2 remaster for example did not need an XP system shoehorned in (not to mention an “achievement” for reaching level 100). Games can have inherent value that isn’t tied to how many hours you have to interact with them.

        42 years ago

        Agree with you, but I don’t think all achievements should be easily accessible.

        Reaching level 100 should be an achievement. And I’ll never get it, and that’s ok.

          12 years ago

          My issue with that achievement is that it’s strictly an enormous time sink - it stands in stark contrast to the other elusive achievements in the THPS remaster that are genuine tests of skill.

          It doesn’t help that the game caps the max XP you can earn per session, so even if you are a THPS savant you still can’t earn XP any faster than everyone else who has to cheese it past level 80.

    • Maple
      122 years ago

      I posted a comment on Reddit talking about how disappointed I am hearing that the AC set in Japan is going to be made by the Valhalla people and I got destroyed for it. Like I wanted Japan since brotherhood and now I get this? I don’t like the newer games because they just don’t respect your time and that’s a bummer for me.

    • OneNot
      62 years ago

      I agree. I’m also a bit of a completionist by nature so it’s doubly as painful since I can’t just do the main story…

      I have gotten a bit better about it in the last few years to be fair. Though sometimes I relapse and realize I’ve wasted 80% of my free time that day doing mediocre side content.

      12 years ago

      You know this is a really good point and it’s why I really don’t care for open world single player games. I’ve tried to pick up RDR2 multiple times and I always just end up stopping after a day or two cause it’s not enough dopamine

      12 years ago

      I personally do enjoy long and open games. But Valhalla managed to go way too far even for me. It very noticeably came at the cost of quality, with many dull side quests. The map was actually too big. It needed to drop a region or two, because there was just soooo many regions.

      Odyssey had the same issue. In fact, I found it worse there, because I recall I completed even less of that game.

      The DLCs for all the AC games have at least been much tighter and a better example of a reasonable size.