I know it isn’t currently federated, but it seems like a good yt alternative atm.

  • danhakimi
    91 year ago

    You don’t understand why a breeding ground where nazis can share conspiracy theories with other nazis and also reach susceptible idiots and children with their naziism might not be a good place where we all want to spend a bunch of time?

    • HMN
      1 year ago

      You’re saying nazi a lot, what does that actually mean? I’m not familiar with these so-called conspiracy theories, perhaps I don’t run in the correct online circles. In any case, shouldn’t the Internet be a relatively free place to share and have opinions? You seem to have carte blanche to speak your mind and denigrate those you think are in the wrong, shouldn’t they have that same freedom?

      • danhakimi
        1 year ago

        In any case, shouldn’t the Internet be a relatively free place to share and have opinions?

        Sure. I draw the line well before crypto scams and Nazi shit and extreme antivax conspiracy theories, though. No, I don’t particularly think that we need to protect peoples’ “freedom” to use public social media servers with gigabytes of free storage when they’re using that “freedom” to upload videos calling for my death on the basis of my ethnicity, and the “freedom” to reach and indoctrinate others on that platform into wanting to kill me too. I don’t see why anybody would offer them a platform, and I certainly don’t see why any decent person would want to use such a platform. I don’t think odyssee has the “freedom” to compel us to want to use it knowing what a shit show it is.

        • HMN
          -31 year ago

          Do you actively seek this stuff out, or are you perhaps misrepresenting the extent? I browse the Internet everyday and have so for many many years, yet oddly enough I don’t manage to stumble across this type of content I see people complaining about.