They originally had a battle pass and cash shop, but after backlash they’re moving away from that model and will have all cosmetics earned by playing the game. Exciting news!

    11 year ago

    I got through the tutorial, and into the ‘hub world’ or w/e it’s called, and it just felt very ‘MMO’ to me. Which, on top of the monetization already putting a bad taste in my mouth, I just refunded there. I hate games that shove ‘multiplayer stuff’ into single player games. Like, I played through Elden Ring in forced offline: I don’t want to interact with others, even through little stuff like bloodstains.

      41 year ago

      They’ve made a number of strange decisions I think. The game has a lot more story with voice acting than Monster Train. But then it’s also co-op and has this lobby room you hang out in with random people and it doesn’t matter in any way that I can’t tell. The game itself is amazing though and none of the other stuff detracts from it in my opinion. If you’re at all still interested, you could watch a let’s play. I know there are some co-op sessions recorded.

      11 year ago

      You can enjoy it 100% solo. The only place you see others that you never have to interact with is the hub. There is nothing in the game that force you to do anything with others or even suggest that it is multiplayer except some skills that mention allies (but works on yourself too). If that is too much I don’t think the game is for you anyway.