What can we do to keep the web open?


    • @SamsonSeinfelder@feddit.de
      2 years ago

      They actively prohibit to use their website with FF. When I look at it in Chromium (only Chrome and Chromium are allowed. No Edge, No Safari, …) I can not see anything why it should not work. Drag and Drop an Image into a dropzone.js container is no crazy technology. Imgur does it every day.

      Do you know why they think it would not work in FF? It is just a translation service. I think this is not a good example, as it more seems like they do not want to support webkit and optimized it only for chrome, but their product does not seems to crazy for FF.

      They also have Google Drive files connections. Maybe they have just bundled their product the the google ecosystem and therefore prohibit FF/Safari/etc. But this is not the problem of FF/Safari/etc., they just decided to offer a google product only on google browser.

      (I would not support such a vendor lock-in, but that is just my 2 cents)