I know some people still swear by their old iPods or film cameras. For me it’s a 15 year old Western Digital external HDD. Do you have any older gadgets or tech that you refuse to let go of?

  • @Num10ck@lemmy.world
    229 days ago

    just games? i miss apps like deluxe paint 4, octamed, brilliance!, audiomaster II, and of course the demo scene.

    • @CarbonatedPastaSauce@lemmy.world
      229 days ago

      I did lots of stuff with them back in the day besides games! Rendered some space ship flybys in Imagine, made custom icons for everything on my workbench, ripped sounds and quotes from my favorite movies, even ran my own BBS for a couple years.

      But whenever I turn it on these days it’s just playing a few games and listen to some MODs. It’s just a nostalgia machine now. 😁