From Circana analyst Matt Piscatella’s BlueSky account:

PlayStation 5 Pro accounted for 19% of total PlayStation 5 units sold in the month and 28% of dollars. Launch month dollar sales of PlayStation 5 Pro were more than 50% higher than the November 2016 launch month sales of PlayStation 4 Pro, while units were 12% lower.

    113 months ago

    I feel like I’m the target audience for this and I have no interest. Ive bought every PlayStation, including the PS4 pro, though I did wait for the 3 to hit $400. I’ve had ps+ since the PS3.

    I still have plus until july as I’d always buy a year or 2 on black friday sales. They’ve jacked the price of plus so much that I’m very unlikey to renew now. And $700 for the pro is fucking stupid. If the PS6 continues on this trend, I might just be completely done with them even though I really do like the exclusives.

      13 months ago

      I hear you. I’ve had every playstation since the PS1. We even own a PS4 and PS4 Pro. Mythbusters was the beginning of the end for me. When they yanked Mythbusters without warning or recompense it drove home what I already knew: my digital library was only as good as the whims of Sony. I haven’t made a purchase on their platform since.

      And like you I also have Plus for a while, but I’ve noticed more offerings are starting to be PS5 only. And maybe it’s bias informing my experience but I could swear they’ve already begun enshitifying the PS4 store the same way they degraded the PS3 store when the 4 came out. They removed some of the browsing options, like browsing by category.

    • Pika
      13 months ago

      I fully agree, I’ve been slowly drifting away from consoles since the tail end of the PS3. For the price it just really isn’t worth it anymore for how much I use. This time around I ended up going the X through they’re all access pass because it came the 3 years of Game Pass ultimate, and that was pretty cool not 200 plus dollars a year cool but it was pretty cool, and then when the PS5 became available I got that against my better judgment because I have been Sony my entire life and I wanted Ragnarok (which I ended up never finishing).

      I was juggling two different subscriptions for a while a PlayStation Network and a Microsoft Game Pass subscription, but since I still use both of them it was kind of worth it, then Sony increased their price without offering any competitive reason for doing so for any benefits so I canceled and moved over to almost exclusively Xbox until my ultimate ran out,

      Now I have neither subscriptions and both consoles collect dust because neither console has a subscription that I feel is worth paying for, or offers any content that I can’t just use my computer for without the need of paying a monthly sub. Last generation was iffy, this generation there’s no way it’s worth.