TL;DR: It’s a co-op roguelike. Drop in, explore the map, survive 3 days and beat a unique boss.

Once you buy it you get access to the complete package, and there are no battle passes or microtransactions to contend with. It can also be played in singleplayer should you wish to stay offline, with enemy health pools that scale down so that it’s not too overwhelming for solo players (although curiously, there are currently no plans to allow players to play in pairs).

    3 months ago


    Souls games are just yearly FIFA slop for nerds and rougelikes/metroidvanias are a cancer to the action genre that needs to die off.

      303 months ago

      Souls games are nowhere near “yearly”, and there’s been massive changes throughout the games. How do you get anything close to “yearly FIFA slop” from that?!

        3 months ago

        2009: Demon’s Souls

        2011: Dark Souls

        2014: Dark Souls II

        2015: Dark Souls II King of whatever expansion

        2015: Bloodborne

        2016: Dark Souls III

        2019: Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

        2020: Demon’s Souls (again)

        2022: Elden Ring

        2025: Elden Ring 2

        Thats almost yearly releases.

        You’d think after like 10 games of the same monotonous bullshit people would get tired of it but ig not

          73 months ago

          Meh, on average more than 1.5 years between games doesn’t qualify as yearly for me, especially if you’re counting DLC.

          It’s also simply not “the same monotonous bullshit”. Each game has variations and improvements, sometimes leading to drastically different gameplay (compare Sekiro and Elden Ring). Otherwise, why not also count Armored Core?

          Now they are releasing an experimental spin-off that again drastically changes a bunch of mechanics, but that’s also somehow not good enough? Seems like you just don’t like their games, irrespective of how much they evolve from the Dark Souls formula.

            3 months ago

            Sekiro and Elden ring are literally just a demon souls reskin, I already played that game for free with ps plus on the PS3 and it was an ok time waster in school

              23 months ago

              You either didn’t get past the start screen, or you’re trolling.

              • Sekiro has a single weapon, Elden Ring has hundreds
              • Sekiro has death blows and the parrying mechanic, Elden Ring has staggering, dodging and blocking
              • Sekiro has prosthetic tools you can upgrade and switch through, Elden Ring only has ashes of war
              • Sekiro has lots of vertical movement through grappling and jumping, Elden Ring has no comparable mechanic

              Elden Ring is an evolution of the Demon Souls formula, but already with large changes. Sekiro is completely different.

      203 months ago

      I’m sorry but literally no. There are exactly 3 Dark Souls games, the first came out 14 years ago. Demon’s Souls, Bloodborne, Elden Ring, and maybe Sekiro can be considered Soulslike, but your comment reeks of naivety.

      They’re all individually some of the most mechanically unique games, with a ton of variety between each other. It’s not even remotely the same as a FIFA, Madden, or Call or Duty level of cut / paste.

        -163 months ago

        See my comment above, there are 10 souls games and only one of them was any good and it was just mid jank at best but at least it had Soul™

        They’re not unique and are the standard for action games with the likes of jedi fallen order and jedi fallen 2 order or whatever ripping the formula off.

        Idk I think it’s exactly like FIFA and madden in terms of actual artistic value, but I wouldn’t compare it to COD because they at least have some pretty standout evolutions now and again, these souls games, new zelda games and new mario games etc are all designed by committee.

        I’m just bitter that games that actually evolved action across the spectrum be it the high complexity and style of DMC4 and 5, Bayonetta series, the fun mechanics of MGR:R or even the speed of something like Warframe didn’t catch on nearly as much as the slow paced slog where you navigate boring generic fantasy environments where you fight some poorly animated big guy once in a while for the umpteenth time.

        Even worse, these games are labeled as RPGs, which yeah they’re really no Fallout or Mass Effect, JRPG maybe, but it’s led to more and more shoving of RPG elements into what should be normal action games. It’s all so tiresome.

        No accounting for taste amongst gamers, though.

          13 months ago

          Jedi fallen order is not souls like at all. People saw the “bonfire/leveling system” and proclaimed it as being soulslike. The gameplay is more akin to the Spiderman or Arkham Knight games

          • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 🇮 🏆
            3 months ago

            What? Fallen Order is much closer to Dark Souls than it is Spiderman or Arkham. It’s all slow, methodical combat encounters instead of flashy combo beat 'em up mechanics.

            For something many consider soulslike but actually is much closer to an Arkham or Spidey game, see Ghost of Tsushima.

              13 months ago

              That wasn’t my experience with fallen order at all lol. I could mostly rush into any group of enemies because enemy attacks were predictable and very easy to dodge. The iframes felt more like the combo beat em up games and enemies generally attacked in turns unless they were all shooting then all you had to do then was hold the block button. On second thought I’d say it was maybe closer to kingdomhearts combat

            3 months ago

            Lmao no. I played all three insomniac Spider-Mans and all the Arkham games and fallen order is nothing like any of them, it is literally a dark souls reskin, from the level design to bonfires and progression to the combat and even little details like respawning enemies after a bonfire rest etc.

            It’s a shame good games like jedi knight/academy and SWTFU didn’t get modern sequels and instead we get this slopfest.

              33 months ago

              Every game you have mentioned enjoying involves a lot of hand holding. I get why you are not a fan of Fromsoft. You have a strong opinions but I assume it’s just because you are likely older and jaded like myself. Nobody under 30 has played Jedi Knight/Academy.

              That being said all of those games are very different from one another. Sekiro is a completely different beast. The only thing tying them together is above average difficulty that can be (mostly) alleviated by grinding.

              You have to face that we aren’t the target demographic anymore.

                3 months ago

                Jedi academy and DMC4 has hand-holding? Delusional. They’re just good games. Souls games are shit games, slow and boring asf. Idgaf about forntire demographic they need to learn what games are good before they’re allowed opinions fr fr

                  13 months ago

                  Sekiro is a much better game than both Jedi Academy and DMC4. It is in no way slow or boring. My opinion and also the opinion of the majority of reviewers.

                    3 months ago

                    Yeah but just because IGN gave it 10/10 doesn’t make your opinion valid, all those souls series are very very slow, you die, you go way back to some location from an hour ago and slog through the same generic fantasy level again just to get another shot at the guy who killed you, and it just gets more boring each time, especially when the locations don’t stand out from any other generic fantasy place.

                    It’s extremely punishing and discourages free player experimentation and creativity and fun with the mechanics and encourages reading the wiki to cheese a boss so you don’t have to do it again or going somewhere else to level a stat or get the right gear like some lame ass MMO or ass creed, which makes it all tedious and boring.

                    The reason people focus in on how these games are hard is because they assume they’re not meant to die much at all, if ever, because who tf wants to sink in all that time repeating the same boring bullshit journey over and over, so they rightfully bounce off the design.

                    The real difficulty of souls games is having the stamina to make it through the repetitive slog, but if you really think about it why should you bother when you’re meant to play games to have fun.

                    “If it’s not fun, why bother” as satoshi iwata famously said ;)

                    Compare that to a fast game like Doom (original, not the shitty reboots), you die, there’s that wipe effect and you’re going a mile a minute, less than a minute and you’re right back in the action to give it another shot with a new tactic or strategy. It’s not that death isn’t punishing or doesn’t matter because you lose all your weapons, it punishes you with difficulty, not boredom.

                    And more fundamentally those games just are very slow which doesn’t help the boredom, there’s no significantly faster way of traversing a thing the second time compared to when you just walked the first time, sure you can roll and whatnot like the speedrunners and time it perfectly but compare it to something like Ultrakill with it’s fast stylish action and expressive movement mechanics and a difficulty a good bit higher than any of the souls games by a good mile.

                    The only game that doesn’t have this problem in the series is the OG demon’ souls, idk about the remake since I hadn’t played it yet but the levels themselves being physically smaller obscures the issue at the core of the design.

                    And all this is coming from someone who loves “boring” games like the paradox strategy games or sims like Arma or MSFS, the difference is these games don’t force you to repeat the same bullshit over and over, sure you might have to go back to a pretty early save in a HoI4 campaign to fix your mistake by the time it comes up but that’s on you, the game doesn’t force an arbitrary retread of the same ground over and over.

                    DMC4 didn’t have the best level design either, precisely because there was too much of it, and DMC5 went in the right direction and made everything a corridor of monsters so you can get right to the combat and quickly, because that’s the fun part of the game.

                    Souls combat can be fun too when you’re really in there rolling about the place with some huge dragon or some shit but to actually fucking get to it isn’t worth the time investment of navigating some bullshit maze over and over.

                    All the aforementioned games can be pretty dang hard, Doom on UV or DMC5 on DMD are both tougher than most Souls encounters, but they are fun and encourage you to try harder and souls doesn’t, and that’s the point of course, with it’s story and atmosphere lining up perfectly with that vibe that the world is indifferent to your journey, but all of this doesn’t make it good game design and certainly doesn’t make it a template other games can copy-paste willy nilly when it doesn’t fit the tone, i.e. Jedi Fallen Order.

              3 months ago

              I agree that the bonfire mechanics and level design resemble dark souls, but the mechanics are nothing like dark souls to me. I’ve played all the games as well. Fallen order isisn’t 1:1 with those games, but closer to them than dark souls. Combat is very forgiving and cinematic. It was made to look like darksouls, but the combat didn’t come close. Maybe kingdom hearts combat would be a better comparison. Still easy to get fucked up if you don’t know what your doing, but once you get the hang of it you can just mow down everyone no problem

      63 months ago

      I appreciate the reminder that beauty is subjective. It’s been a good while since I’ve seen an opinion so inflammatory that had nothing to do with politics.