As far as I know there are these;

  • Camel case = coolFileName
  • Snake case = cool_file_name
  • Kebab case = cool-file-name
  • Pascal case = CoolFileName
  • Dot notation =
  • Flat case = coolfilename
  • Screaming case = COOLFILENAME

Personally I prefer the kebab/dot conventions simply because they allow for easy “navigation” with (ctrl+arrow keys) between each part. What are your preferences when it comes to this? Did I miss any schemes?

    • zitrone 🍋
      37 months ago

      not really

      You can easily escape spaces with \ and my modern shell (fish) suggests and completes filenames for me anyway, so i don’t have to type more than the first word in more than 90% of cases.

        7 months ago

        Typing \ in those cases instead of _ is super annoying.

        In my keyboard layout backspace is behind altgr.

        • zitrone 🍋
          17 months ago

          the standard keyboard layouts (qwerty, qwertz, etc.) are mostly trash

          are there any good alternative keyboard layouts for your native language (finnish if im not mistaken)?

          In Germany there is the Neo Family: Neo{,2}, NeoQwert{y,z}, Bone, Mine, … as well as offsprings of that, but I guess you need your diacritics: å ä and ö. While Neo layouts have these diacritics available, they are made for german, so only ä ö and ü are easily accessible.

            17 months ago

            Finnish indeed. I’m not aware of any alternative layouts. å is completely unnecessary for finnish, so maybe the layouts you mentioned could work.

        • zitrone 🍋
          17 months ago
          for i in path/to/dir/*
            dosomething_with_my_file $i

          where is the problem? fish shell doesn’t split arguments at spaces

            • zitrone 🍋
              17 months ago

              IFS is a special shell variable in bash, ksh and POSIX shells that lets you configure how the shell splits words

              by default it splits at spaces tabs and newlines

              I use fish a shell that is intentionally not POSIX compatible. While it borrows some principles from Bash and POSIX, it simplifies a lot of things and removes most footguns. Words are split at new lines in fish, which admittedly can also cause troubles, but not nearly as often as in bash and other POSIXy shells.