Currently in the US elections are featured in my YouTube feed, and not factual content but rage inducing.

How can I filter that?

  • Diplomjodler
    347 months ago

    I also find that marking stuff with “not interested” works pretty well. Some far right bullshit pops up occasionally but it’s quickly dealt with.

      157 months ago

      Yeah, with a small amount of effort you can really make your YouTube feed work for you. I have a main account full of engineering, computers, and misc entertainment (sketch comedy channels + Atrioc) and a separate one for my work laptop that’s just music. Both feeds are pretty fantastic but the recommendations on latter is especially good - I’ve found a ton of new artists including some with only a few hundred followers (shout out to folk singer Alexander Guy!)

          67 months ago

          It might take some time but if you don’t want to start fresh with a new account, mark everything you don’t want as Not Interested as they pop up until your feed is clean! It’s worth the effort imo

          47 months ago

          Also, you can tell YT to never recommend a channel. It’s permanent (can’t undo) but well worth the use.